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I attached the case study,and report format This is a consulting base assignment, I want a report for this case study . *** APA Style *** with intext citation and references

I attached the case study,and report format 

This is a consulting base assignment, 

I want a report for this case study .

*** APA Style *** 

with intext citation and references 

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**** ************* EXAM ******** TEMPLATEEXAM ********* ********* 5 ********* ** ************* ** *** ****** ****** ** *** Analysis ** Strategic ******* ****** ** *** ******** of ********* ******* 5Table 23 – Analysis ** ********* ******* 6Table ** - ********* Analysis *** *********** ********* ** ********* Options 7Table ** * Strategic ******** *** Impact of ******** ****** ** ********* ******* ****** ** - ********* ******** *** ****** ** ******** ****** ** ********* Options ****** 31 * ******** ****** ** *** Context ** Recommended ********* ****** *** FINANCE ****** 32 - ******** ****** ** *** ******* ** Recommended ********* ****** *** ** ******* 33 - Critical ****** in the ******* ** *********** ********* ****** – ****** ******* ** * ******** ****** in *** ******* ** *********** ********* ****** * *** 12Table 35 - ******** ****** in *** ******* of Recommended ********* ****** * ********* 13Table 3A – ******** ****** ******** ******* 3B *** *********** ** What **** ** ** Addressed ********** 15Comment – ************ and Conclusions Regarding ********* ******* ** *** ********** ** *********** ********* ***** Recommendation ******* ** *** Evaluation ** *********** ********* ***** ************** 19Table ** – Evaluation ** *********** ********* & Recommendation ******* ** *** ********** ** Alternative ********* ***** ************** ******* ** *** ********** of *********** ********* ***** ************** 22Table ** *** ********** ** Alternative ********* ***** Recommendation 23Table * *** Recommendation ****** 24Table * *** Recommendation ****** ******* * – ************** Detail 26Table * * * ***** **** ********* Table ********** ******* ** * * ***** **** Gathering ***** ********** MANAGEMENT) 28Table 12 - A ***** **** Gathering Table (HR *********** 30Table 13 * * ***** **** ********* ***** ******* **** SYSTEMS) 31Table ** * * SWOT+ **** ********* Table *********** OPERATIONS *********** 33Table ** * A SWOT+ **** ********* ***** ********** *********** ******* 16 *** **** ****** ** *********** in *** ******** ******* 17 ******** *** Success ******* ******* 18 Industry Prospects *** ******* ************** 35Table ** *** Business *********** ******* ** the *********** * *** ********* *** High ********** important **** ********** ME= ****** ********** but not ********** LO=Low ****** ** be **** *** *** important ****** critical)Table ** *** ******** ** ********* ************* ******** ******** & ******** *** ********* *** ****** *** partnership **** **** ******* ** *** delivery *** ********** of ******* education ** and ******* *** classroom ** **** ** in ******** ******* TVO ****** ***** on ******** *** services ****** *** ********* *** **** **** ***** government ******** ** ********** their content ********* AdvantagesThe ******** ****** *** ************ **** * ****** ** advance *** ******* ******* ** ******* ******** **** *** ****** for the ******* **** ***** in *** ********* *** earn additional revenues from ***** government **************** ******* ********** success of *** ******** ******* ** TVO’s ability to synchronize *** ******* **** *** ********** ******** or ********** **** ******* ** *** organization’s ability ** court ******** **** ***** government agenciesThreats/RisksThe ****** ** the ******** is *** ********* ********** on *** internet ** things even inside the **************** **** ** *** *********** **** ******* ****** **** **** * wider ******** *** *** ***** ****** ***** ** ***** ********** agenciesWhy ** **** **** *********** ********* Option?It ****** *** ************ a ******* ****** **** ** ******** to *** survival The government *** ******* *** ***** and *** ****** **** ******* funding ****** ******* to an urgency ** revenue generating *************** ** – ******** ** ********* ************* ******** ******** ***** ******** *** ************** ******* ********** by ************* *** current ******* ******* ** ** Ontario *********** Its brand ** current ******* **** help ** increase views ** the ******* affairs ******* ********* AdvantagesIt **** expand *** ********** ** the stationIt **** ******* ******* **** ** ********* *** public ** ********** ************** ******* ************** depends ** *** ********* of *** ******* affairs issue ** *** ******** ************* Ontario perspective ** ******* ******* should *** ******* ***** ********* ***** *** ****** ** ****** *** viewershipThreats/RisksThe Ontario perspective ** ******* ******* ***** differ **** age ******** Ontario *********** ***** **** **** out the ******* **** ***** provinces ******** *** ** ******* ProvinceWhy is **** **** *********** Strategic ******* ** leverages an already ******* ******* ** ********** and is ** **** **** *** **************** ******* of promoting ************** ** *** ******** ** ********* OptionsOption ******** ******** & ******** the OptionEmpower ********* ** *********** in ******** *********** ** **** **** the ************ evolve ******* ** an ******** that ** frequently disrupted ** ********** ********* ************ ******** ******** ********* ** **** the ************** ****** *** ***** ** ****** *** offer *** ************ a *********** ***************** ******* FactorsThe ******* ******* ** *** elimination of hierarchical *********** ** decision ********* ********* ****** ******* ******** innovative ****** ** offer ****** ************************** **** ******* ***** ********* *** chain ** command ** *** *************** ******* ***** could have redundant ***** **** ***** *** offer *** organization ** **** in the ************* industryWhy ** this your recommended ********* ******* ** ** ** ********** option **** ** ********* ** the staff ** offers *** ***** an *********** ** ********* ********** **** designTable ** - Strategic Analysis – Stakeholder ********* ** ********* OptionsStakeholders and ***** positions:Strategic ****** 1: Strategic Option *********** Option 3:Stakeholder ** ***************** its ******* ********* it ******** ************** in ************* ******************** 2: *********** offers job ************ ** focus ** ******* ************* offers **** ** *********** *** ****** ***************** ** Ontario ************ ** a ******* *********** **** ****** ***** ******** to private ************* local ********* ****** *** **** its primary ***************** ** CustomersToo **** ********** ********* ************* ***** ******* ******* **************** *** ********** ************ ** * ********* ******** – ****** ** ******** ****** ** ********* **************** ******* & Their ******** IssuesStrategic ****** *********** ****** *********** ****** ******************* ***** ** pursue *********** ******* ************** ***** to ****** the ***** ********* ** **** ********** staffMarketingDifficult to ******* with ******* ****** ********* ****** *********** to ****** ** ******* **** *********** ** ***** ********* Mistrust from the pubic ** the ****** ***************** ** critical infrastructure **** ***** ***** ***** *********** ********* to ******** *** ********** ********* *** * **** ********** approach ***** of *** technology that ** ************** ** old ********* ** *** the ******* ******* ******** ***** ***** **** ***** *** platforms ***** ************** are *********** ** ***** areasWill ******* ***** that ***** **** the **** The *** ***** **** ***** limited ******* ** ************* ******** hence *** continuous **** *** frequent *********** ** *** ****** ***** ** * ******** ****** ** *** ******* of Recommended Strategic ****** *** *************** ********* ** ** manifested?Why ** ** ********** *********** Why Important? 2) Implications ** *** ***** ********************* ** ***** ********* ** ***** ************ ******* ********************* ** ******************* ** ********** grantsChange ** government policyIt ******* ********************* of bankruptcyF3No advertisement ************** ******** ** * **** opportunity *************** ** *********************** *** *************** strategyLoss ** ***************** ** ****************** ******* of ************** infrastructureLoss ** marketPossibility ** *************** 32 - ******** Issues ** *** ******* ** *********** ********* ****** *** ********** ********* ** ** manifested?Why is it ********** Cause(s)?Why ********** Implications if *** ***** with?HumanResourcesHR1Lack of innovationIncreased rivalry **** *** channelsIt affects *** strategic directionLeads to ********* ***************** ** ********************* of ************** ******* productivityLow ******************** ********** ****** audienceThe ******* ****** of ***** audiencesFailure to ******** the youth ** ***** **************** **************** ******** ********* **** *** diverse *************** ** old ************** ** maintainRetrenchment ** ***** ********* *********** *********************** deficits **

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