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I have attached my rubric and the three topics I chose to pick from. You only have to pick one of those three to write about. I attached that so you can see what my writing sort of looks like to make

I have attached my rubric and the three topics I chose to pick from. You only have to pick one of those three to write about. I attached that so you can see what my writing sort of looks like to make it not so extreme and full of giant words as I am not that great. I appreciate any help! Thank you!

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********************** AnalysisAuthors ***************** AffiliationCourse ************ *************** ****************** *** ************** from ********** ************** ***************** ****** Luther **** ***** letters ********** ***** ********* and all ****** States **** citizens ******* **** they should ********* *** ******* ** demanding ****** justice **** ******* ********* ** *** **** for ****** ** *** whites ********* black ********* Black Americans were ********* they *** *** ***** ** ******* ******* ** *** they **** ***** ******* by joining *** ***** ****** ********* ***** ***** **** **** changed *** the black ********* ****** *** since he was ********** ******** demonstrations *** *** ********** of *** black ********* ****** in *** US ** ****** **** ***** was * **** ** start *** ******** ************* *** the ***** Americans *** were ******* the ** ** agree ** ******** them their ***** ****** ***** ***** There was no ***** ** waiting for *** oppressors to **** *** cycle of treating ***** Americans ** *** wrong *** ***** it *** ********* **** **** ***** King ********* *** black Americans **** **** ****** *** ***** the ****** ** oppress **** ***** they **** **** * ***** as ***** being ***** ***** *** letter ******* **** **** ****** **** ******** ***** *** need *** ********** ******** demonstrations to **** *** ********** ** black AmericansAudienceMartin ****** King ********* ******* ** *** clergy ** *** ** *** parts of *** ****** ** ** ****** ** ***** ** **** **** he does *** intend to ******* ***** ** *** ****** States **** ** conducting ******** demonstrations to ****** ******* **** ***** ********** *** ******* ********* ** that time (King ***** ** ****** **** ******* ****** be ******** from ***** ********** ***** freedom does not **** freely **** ** also motivating *** ********** **** ** **** ****** *** them ** **** social ******* in ***** communityAll *** ******** ****** *** also ********* addressed ** how **** *** implement ****** ******* The ****** **** ******** *** ***** *********** ********** for ****** ******* in *** ******** **** **** **** ***** such ** ******** ** ****** that he ** *** alone ** the fight *** ******* ***** 1992) *** ********* *** *** not **** ******* felt **** **** **** ** ****** ********* ** the cell **** addressed the *********** ******** in ********** ****** ******* from being ******** ***** ***** ** *** clear to *** ********* **** there *** * **** *** ****** justice ***** *** *************** *** ******** **** goal was ** remind *** ****** **** there was nothing wrong **** the ******** protests **** **** *** ******* It *** not **** ** ******** for people ** ****** ***** ********* ** *** land ***** they **** ******** ** ** free King was clear to *** religious ******* **** ** was ****** impossible *** ****** ** ** ******* freedom ** *** oppressors (King ***** ***** *** a **** *** ******** protests that would ********* the ********** ** **** social ******* ** *** **** *** were ***** oppressed ****** *** ********* to *** *** ****** side ** his actions *** ** join *** ***** ****** ********* ** ******** *** *********** ** ********* **** The ****** **** revealed ** ****** the **** culprits by ********** their names ** ****** *** ** Boutwell **** **** ****** *** **** **** *** **** ****** ** *** hard *** *** ******** ****** ** attain ****** ******* ***** ***** **** held * ********* ******* ******* the ****** ********** *** ******** ** civil ****** *** ******* ******* of ********** ***** ** ** **** ** ****** for ****** ** ******** **** *** ** against *** ******** movements that want America ** **** social ************** **** wrote the ****** **** ****** forces **** ******* ************ ***** rights in *** ** (King 1992) There *** * lot of ****** ********* **** ****** **** ** ******** *** oppressors ** give them ***** ****** ***** ***** ********* **** ***** ** fight *** ***** freedom ****** it **** *** **** to convince others ** *** ************* of social ******* **** ********* were ********* in ***** local living ***** and ***** *** **** ***** **** **** ***** ******* ***** Americans **** ******* ******* ** *** ****** service which was ****** **** ** ** whites ***** ********* were ***** ****** ***** human ****** *** treated ** inhumane ways The oppression ** ***** ********* continued *** * **** time and **** were ******* used ** *** ***** ********* it *** hard ** ******** such individuals **** they ****** to demand ***** ****** instead ** waiting to ** ***** **** ***** 1992) ***** **** **** fewer ***** ********* *** **** ********* ** ******* **** **** did *** **** *** ***** ** convince *** ***** leaders ** ***** ******* ********* the same way ****** ****** *** *** letters convinced enough black Americans ** the **** ** ********* ****** through ********** peaceful ***** ****** ******************* ***************** **** ***** the ****** using diction ***** *** ********* ** ******** the ****** ** ******* *** ** the *********** ******** ** was ******* He *** revealed professionalism ******* ***** ** ****** **** he ***** **** ** is doing **** ****** **** he ** **** * ***** ******** and ***** his ****** ******* pain in *** ***** ** oppression ***** ***** **** **** ******* *** ****** **** ** was serving the ****** ** * ********* *** **** ***** ***** ******* ** all *** ****** ******* ** ****** *** ***** ** *** ****** *** ***** ***** Americans ** join ** *** *********** ******** *** ***** **** **** in *** ****** **** ********* in ********** ***** who **** it **** ** *** ***** *** right thing *** ****** their support Diction *** ******* him ** ******** *************** through *** ****** ** ***** that he *** **** ** the ****** ** make ** ****** ** ******** ****** **** *** **** **** able ** ******** ****** ** **** *** **** ** ***** *** their ******* ******* ********** it in *** ****** (King ***** *** main **** ** ** alert ****** **** ** ** ***** the ***** ***** in ******** **** ****** justice *** **** *********** in the USTypes ** reasoning **** ****** **** ********* ********* ********** to *** ***** clergies *** he ** *** ***** the wrong ***** in leading ******** ******* He ******** ********* ************ **** **** *** ** ** determined ** **** the ********** ** black Americans **** ****** ** ******* ** **** ** *** black ********* ********* **** being denied ***** rights *** **** that *** clergy is doing for *** ****** ** **** ******* ** ****** work in ******** ****** ******** to **** ******* through ******** ************** ***** ***** ** ********* that ***** ** * **** ** ****** *** ***** rights ** ***** ********* ** ********* King ******* ****** **** it ** through ***** ***** that **** *** ***** ** ****** ******* *** social justice (King ***** *** ***** leaders *** *** against ****** justice **** **** ******** ** ****** ****** on *** **** *** ** ***** ** when ********* ****** ** how ******* Americans are ***** ******* **** **** shows ***** was * **** *** *** ****** to ******* the black ********* ** their ******** ******** ******* ********** *** ****** will **** *** ********** **** they are ***** the ***** ***** *** **** *** ********** ** ***** ***** ************** **** mainly **** logical fallacy ** **** ****** decide to ****** ** ** *** **** to fight for ***** rights ** **** were ** *** oppressors' **** ***** ***** **** made people think more ****** ***** ***** **** **** *** ** ******* The words he **** **** **** ****** ********* ** *** **** *** ******** protests against *** ********** ** *** black ********* in *** ** Since most ***** ********* **** *** *** ******* ** **** *** ******** ******** ** made more ** them **** ** ***** King *** ******** *** ***** ******************* ** * * (1992) Letter **** Birmingham ****** ***** * Rev26 ***

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