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I need a Strategic Business Communications Plan created. Attached are the assignment instructions and a sample of the assignment. I would like for the communication topic to be on a New Job Opportunit

I need a Strategic Business Communications Plan created. Attached are the assignment instructions and a sample of the assignment. I would like for the communication topic to be on a New Job Opportunity Interview. 

Some things to consider and a case study example are: 

 NEW JOB OPPORTUNITY INTERVIEW Every new job opportunity represents a chance to improve your professional position. Strategic communication is critical to make the best first impression, navigate the screening and recruiting process, and secure the job through an interview (or series of them). If you choose this scenario, you’ll need to create both a written and a verbal (audio or video) communication. These elements should explain why you are the right person for the job while addressing the types of questions interviewers might ask.  4 Things to Consider • Do you follow the latest job listings relative to your area of expertise and industry? • Do you have an interview opportunity or position in mind for which you would like to apply? • Do your research, write a cover letter, and prepare for an interview that highlights your skill set. How can you bring value to the company? How would you prepare for the initial and follow-up interviews? Case Study Example — New Job Opportunity Pat is not satisfied in his finance job with a non-profit organization. He wants to move to a fast-growth start-up business. His methodical online searching has yielded what seems like a great opportunity in a new technology firm locally. He is further encouraged when he learns that a former colleague is already working there. Pat considers how best to reach out to his former colleague. He remembers that she is an active LinkedIn member and decides first to send her a message through the site. He tells her of his interest in the company and the position, asks a few probing questions about the department, and then spends time reviewing the company website and researching the firm online. Using sites like Glassdoor.com, he learns a great deal about the company’s culture, its current areas of focus, and even salary ranges and typical interview questions; After several days without news, Pat follows up with his former colleague. Knowing that she has welcomed calls in the past, he makes a quick phone call to her to affirm his interest in the company. Pat’s coworker provides him with great insights into the firm and sends an email to a manager in the department where Pat wants to work. She personally recommends Pat to this manager. In the meantime, Pat carefully drafts a cover letter, updates his resume, and completes the online application. He begins preparing for interview questions, listing questions he has about the company, and brainstorming the best way to present himself to meet the possible needs of the company. In this way, he will arrive for the interview fully prepared to make his best, most confident presentation. 

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