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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Communication Studies Television. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Communication Studies Television. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The deviation of recent famous shows from the mainstream themes and the popularity of consumer brands used in, equated with, or even blatantly endorsed by it underscores this fact. In the process, new cultural artifacts are continually being institutionalized due to their repeated exposure to a community.

In this research, we will be analyzing the widely popular Sex and the City series. The television program was chosen primarily because of its social function, specifically its investment in the idea of “post-feminism” – the supposedly cultural catchphrase expressing the idea that feminism is no longer viable or desirable. (Hollows, p. 193) The interactions within are therefore expectedly linked to socio-cultural features, which would be proven to be easily captured by the series’ setting, the characters, their goals, as well as their relations. We will be addressing the question of how the television program discussed the concept of postfeminist culture in the characterization of its four protagonists particularly the symbolism of the wedding in their respective perspectives.

The main thesis of this study is that Sex and the City is a material that combines soap opera genre that could be identified by a series of generic features, such as the dramatic processes associated with Aaron Spelling as well as an emergent television trend which explores the changes in production and consumption brought about by the competition for audience share. (Strinati 2001, p. 210) Specifically, the series attempts to illustrate the pathologization of thirtysomething single women in the increasing misogynist leanings of American pop culture.

Sex and the City is one of the television programs commissioned by the cable TV giant HBO. This drama was an adaptation of the book of the same title written by Candice Bushnell. It positions itself as one program that promotes a cultural paradigm by tackling issues that confront a single woman in a post-feminist urban backdrop.

The series which started in 1998 ran until the year 2004 spanning six seasons in all.&nbsp.

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