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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Impact of Diversity. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Impact of Diversity. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It also refers to different parameters associated with institutional engagement. (Anderson, 2008, pp.18-19). Article:1 The Impact of Relational Diversity and Socio-cultural Context of Interpersonal Communication: Nordic Subsidiaries in Japan This is an article written by Vesa and was published in Asian Business and Management. According to Peltokorpi (2006), there are various things which control an individual’s performance in the workplace. Among different factors, interpersonal communication is also an important factor. It has immense impact on psychological outcome as well as an individual’s performance in the workplace. According to his review, interpersonal communication can be defined as offering of any kind of information through the interpersonal channels. It involves different ways such as producing, transmitting and interpreting symbols, with the help of either direct or the indirect medium, through direct or indirect ways. (Peltokorpi ,2006, p.334). Diversity can be defined as “the presence of differences among members of a social unit is an umbrella term for the extent to which people are dissimilar with respect to individual-level characteristics. (Peltokorpi , 2006, p. 334). He in his review also mentioned about the fact that diversity is being examined based on several parameters like age, gender, and racio-ethnicity. Although some of these factors are interrelated but how they are going to influence the diversity is always dependent on the interpersonal communication. (Peltokorpi 2006, p. 335). The effect of age factor in the interpersonal communication is subjected to social cultural differences. But in some cases But sometimes, social cultural context develops a situation where the dissimilarities initiate communication. In his article he cited an example like in Asian culture generally people in the highest level of position are used to be older and more educated than their subordinates. Therefore, if by any chance subordinates are older than their supervisor, then they perceive a lower degree of support from their supervisors and in turn supervisors also gets a lower degree of loyalty from them. (Peltokorpi ,2006, pp.336-337). In his article he cited few hypotheses related to different factors related to diversity. The hypothesis are as follows: “Relative age diversity decreases the frequency of interpersonal communication”(Peltokorpi , 2006, p.337), “Relative gender diversity has a negative impact on interpersonal communication.”(Peltokorpi, 2006, p.338) “Relative racio-ethnic diversity has a negative impact on interpersonal communication”. ( Peltokorpi 2006, p.339). In all his hypothesis he discussed about how the diversity has its impact on an individual’s performance in the workplace. According to his review, interpersonal communication can be increased by creating more interdependent work processes and/or creating more balanced workplaces. Article: 2 Impact of Cultural Value System on the Personality Development of Ogoni Adolescents Nwoke (2012), in this article discusses the effect of the cultural value system on the personality development. Culture can be defined as a set of values, beliefs, attributes which are maintained by the people in a particular way to live their daily life. There are several ways by which culture as well as the value system dominates the personality of any individual and control their daily life. (Nwoke,2012, p.100).

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