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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Should Obese People Blame Society. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Should Obese People Blame Society. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. At the turn of the millennium about “58 million overweight, 40 million obese, and 3 million morbidly obese” (Obesity Statistics 2007). (Position) Some researchers and overweight people are blaming unfair advertising and lack of medical attention to their problems which cause overweight, low self-respect and psychological problems. (Argument) To refute this position, it is possible to say that obesity and overweight problems are closely connected with the lifestyle, eating behavior patterns and attitude towards obesity problems and a social image.

For most people, obesity is a result of unhealthy eating behavior they follow from early childhood but changing nothing during their mature years. In general, obesity is defined as weight at least 20% in excess of the range suggested in standard height-weight tables or a body mass index greater than 27 (McIntosh 4). As a result, mental and physical health problems arise when two conflicting values are being absorbed by an individual such as becoming more desirable, if one is slim and beautiful, as opposed by a baser instinct to indulge one’s gastronomical appetite (McIntosh 34). Researchers found that:

Innumerable environmental changes that foster eating more fre­quently have occurred: the availability of more food and foods with higher energy content, the growth of the fast food industry, the increased numbers and marketing of snack foods, and an increased time for socializing along with a custom of socializing with food and drink” (Kaplan and Dietz 1579).

Many of children feel that they are not good enough, they are not capable of doing anything right, and have an illusion that their appearance is always scrutinized by others, have an incorrect perspective that they would be happier and life would be better if they could just lose weight. Negative body images contrast with media images of an ideal body and the importance of physical attractiveness.&nbsp.

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