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I need help with an analyais and calculations of 125 words please !!!Calculates and analyzes the following ratio listed for their selected company for the last two years from the SEC Form 10-K. . E

I need help with an analyais and  calculations of 125 words please !!!

Calculates and analyzes the following ratio  listed for their selected company for the last two years from the SEC Form 10-K. .  Everyone is responsible for doing their ratio calculations/analysis as well as comparison and contrast (mentioned below) for the ratio. 

Compare and contrast your company ratios to industry and competitor standard ratios obtained from Yahoo Finance, Morningstar, MotleyFool, Macroaxis or other Internet sources and provide a detailed answer and analysis as to why your company ratios are different than the industry/competitor standard in 125 words. 

Please see attached the Lowes report for 2017

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