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I need some assistance with these assignment. shift from training to performance Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. shift from training to performance Thank you in advance for the help!

However, the development of training became much more successful in the last half of the 20th Century. For instance, each of the employment institutions in this era opened up a training school. After that, there was the emergence of Xerox Learning, DDI, and Forum Corporation. From this progress, many recruits opted to attend conferences to learn about new approaches to programmed instruction, behavior modification, role-play, certification, CD-ROM, sensitivity training, corporate universities, and the Learning Organization. In this instance, training was safe and efficient for the recruits (Pershing, 2006).

&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp.Rationale For The Shift From Training To Performance

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Before the inception of the industrial revolution, the jobs that existed were from the local industries or the cottage industries. In this instance, people never had jobs but instead had vocations. Such cases were not training involved as people learned from the practical observations they watched from their seniors while working (Pershing, 2006).

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. There was a formal organization in the work that people assumed to do from the previous three hundred years. For instance, most employment agencies required teamwork when working. In such cases, every person had to be aware of the role he or she plays in the organization. The directions from the senior management authority ensured that there was the coordination of workflow in the organization. Most personnel lead the way by demonstrating to the junior staff how every aspect of the activity had to be done in the organization. Even though there were some small training elements, there were indeed no trainers to perform such duties (Jarche, 2009).

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Most of the activities related to training prepared for the future by involving them in the activities they were previously doing in their previous workstations. Yes, the past practices indeed dictate the prescription of what to occur tomorrow. However, the theory is only attainable when there is a stable world with no changes in daily occurrences (Genesiswebmaster, 2010).

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