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I will pay for the following article Positioning Concepts In Social Networking. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Positioning Concepts In Social Networking. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Positioning Concepts In Social Networking

Social networking these days has become extremely common. Websites like Facebook and Twitter are being used by almost every one and therefore have millions of users all around the world. Thus, it becomes important for these social networking sites to earn money in order to keep on providing services to the people. This is where target marketing and positioning concepts come in. Social networking sites usually have a sole source of income that is marketing different products and placing advertisements on their home pages. The more popular the website is, the more money it will demand from a company for its ad to be pasted on the site. For example, Facebook and Twitter are the most used social networks used around the world. Therefore, placing an ad or marketing something on these sites will be very costly. But multinational companies find it cheaper to post their ads on such websites instead of using the television or billboards.

Naturally, online marketing and ads is the most useful source of income for social networking sites and therefore, there is ample importance of target marketing in the world of social networking. Advertising is considered the most important way in which social networking sites become a success and are able to earn in millions. But at the same time, it is vital that the social networking sites are able to give the user a good experience. It has been seen that users move on to other sites when they are unable to gain satisfaction from one site. Orkut, a social networking site, used to be very popular a few years back. but the introduction of Facebook has almost reduced it to nothingness. Facebook was able to provide a unique experience to the users, which Orkut could not. This is where positioning concepts come into play, and they are extremely important in the success of such a website. Users will stay on a site which is more popular and provides them with more opportunities than the last one. Facebook has been a success story so far, and it will go on until someone comes with a site which provides a better experience than Facebook. It is important for social networking sites to get favorable reviews from the users, which will thus attract more investors, which will gradually form a pathway towards success.

It is also essential for the social networking websites to offer a profitable ground to advertisers. If these sites are able to match the products with the people, advertisers will be more drawn towards them and would want their ad to be placed on that site. This comes as a great benefit for the social networking sites as their main source of income is advertising different products. If these sites are able to provide a discount on a product or make it look more attractive, the product sells and the advertisers gain trust in the marketing skills of the website, which benefits them both. (LJ Rich, 2011).

This article provides an insight in how the social networking sites are able to earn money. It also gives a good view on how Facebook and Twitter have managed to remain a success story so far, and how they have avoided making mistakes that were made by the precious sites such as My Space and Orkut. The reader also realizes how important advertising is for the success of a social networking site, and how important it is for such sites to keep the user’s view of the site in check, as users tend to move on when they get bored at one place.


Rich, LJ. "BBC News - How can social networks make money?." BBC News - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012.

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