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I will pay for the following essay Considiring censorship. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Download file to see previous pages... Cen

I will pay for the following essay Considiring censorship. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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Censorship is a wide topic which controls the spreading of harmful materials and public speeches in the society. Topics such as pornography, violence and aggressive speeches which boosts terrorism and fundamentalism are normally censored by most the governments. Though nobody questions the relevance of censorship, in some cases governments utilize this powerful tool for their own interest. However censorship can move beyond the remit of governments and into the hands of those whole control media channels. It is therefore necessary to consider censorship as something which moves beyond simply the remit of protecting people from harm and offence and into the realm of a tool for control. By claiming to protect people from offence, media channels can in fact use censorship to maintain the status quo and censorship can thus be considered a tool of control, not just of protection.One of the definitions of the Oxford English Dictionary for a censor is ‘an official in some countries whose duty it is to inspect all books, journals, dramatic pieces, etc., before publication, to secure that they shall contain nothing immoral, heretical, or offensive’. Censorship is often associated with the establishment and those in a position of power which have the power to take decisions over matters of morality and offensiveness. Censorship in this case takes place in order to avoid undue offence, often to minority groups and prevent the diffusion of views which are considered dangerous and corrupting.

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