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I will pay for the following essay Cross married. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Download file to see previous pages... Our family d

I will pay for the following essay Cross married. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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Our family does effect in their community of friend. however, each family believes by their ancestor value passed down from their own knowledge of judgment in every learning activity from the family. A family member married outside their race. For example, in the movie "Guess who coming for dinner", marrying from another race is a threat to the family. This may bring about more family tradition or upper class family. This results to race differences that make families to slowly lose their traditional value. The community is supposed to be supporting this but this is not the case since human beings are jealousy, greedy for power and fame. Therefore, if something is unusual in the community of friend, then it could be an opportunity for one to judge other than to gain respect for their own. New couples without serious love may have an unstable relationship. On the other hand, new couples will continue to be criticized by their families and the community over time and this could lead to boiling point. In the movie "Guess who coming for dinner" shows a different point of view. The mother has a strong support in Joanna, and she sacked one of her good worker because the worker had a negative opinion in her daughter's relationship. The father approved his daughter's married. The family should accept cross marriages no matter how the community views it. they should not stop the marriage. Strong family approval helps the new couples to easily succeed in life.

Cross marriage usually has a tough time in communication. Communication comes from the knowledge of the family background and friends we know well. In this case, parent have wire rang of knowledge and norm, and they can teach the children since they have a good judgments foundation. What happen to a child who has missed a fortune that the parent did not teach them in the right direction of norm The child grows up and makes multiple judgments according to his own opinion and logics. The communication has no boundary because the consequence of bad judgment has very little effect on their feeling. In addition, based on the movie, the knowledge and wisdom from Dr. John said in a few words to Joanna's parents did mean a lot. Dr. John understands in the norm of what the right thing to be done and what is not to be done. The moral value gives him an idea on how far he can go without stepping over the boundary. On the other hand, Joanna thinks very similar to most young couples. She speaks on her feeling but without consequence of others. It is a very risky situation, but Joanna decision went as planned. However, in the story of "Grace", after many months, Grace felt that her parent-in-law's should have moved back to live with her sister in law. Grace decision did turn out in her plan, so she moved out from the house. Two-way moral communication is usually the best choice. Cross marriage has another problem of language barrier. Grace had problem of communicating with her mother-in-law because she do not speak English. Two-way communication is the best choice, but two different languages build a wall between two sides.

Nothing else is more important in cross marriage than to have to have a stable income. So far, the movie "Guess who coming for dinner" and the story "Grace" were successful marriage. Dr. John is considered as a high class person, very knowledgeable person, and one who has a stable income. Dr.

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