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I will pay for the following essay Health Care Systems of U.S. and Canada. The essay is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Download file to see previ

I will pay for the following essay Health Care Systems of U.S. and Canada. The essay is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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In relation to health, quality health care refers to doing the right thing, at the right time, to the right person with the aim of attaining best results (Harris et al, 2005). In today’s competitive world, service industries strive to provide service quality that exceeds customers’ expectation. The customer is always the deciding factor in the success of any form of business, either delivering of goods or provision of services (Eden et al, 2001). The customers’ needs have to be fulfilled, and their expectations exceeded for such service to be deemed of high quality. Service quality will determine whether a customer will be satisfied or not (Shueman et al, 2000). However, since customers are dynamic, this will lead to complications in the determinants of quality. In this research, the main focus will be on the type of service delivery offered by health care systems and a comparison of the health systems in the United States of America and those in Canada will be discussed.

The performance of health care delivery system highly depends on the ability of the supportive systems to handle its operations. Service satisfaction will, therefore, only be realized when the provider is aware of what the customers’ reactions are to the provider’s behavior during the process of service provision by the health care provider. There are fourteen dimensions that can define how health care systems perform (Lighter &amp. Fair, 2004). This includes accessibility, acceptability, care environment and amenities, competence, expenditure, efficiency, governance, equity, patient responsiveness, appropriateness, sustainability, safety and timeliness. Health system in the USA There is a worldwide perception among so many people that the best health care system in the world is one provided in the United States (SHI &amp. SINGH, 2012). The United States being a super power has led to the generalization that they have the best type of service quality. According to a current research carried out in the US last year, 55 percent of Americans interviewed testified that U.S. patients receive a much better quality of health care than any other patient from a different country. 45 percent of the patients’ interviewed were of the opinion that United States had the best health care system in the world (Garber, 2006). Over the recent past, the government of United States has tried to implement the policy of health care for all (Lindy &amp. Janes, 2009). This amendment has its own advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that, patients from all walks of life would have the opportunity to receive proper health care. This will especially be of importance to the low income earners who are unable to access quality health care as a result of lack of funds. On the other hand, a high percentage of Americans are opposing this, claiming that it the quality of their own health care would decrease as a result of the provision of health care to all. Americans usually have good insurance cover. hence with this in mind, we except their patients to be provided with the best medical cover. This includes the availability of medical equipments, accessibility to the best medical procedures and lastly to original medicines. In addition to this, they have some of the best well trained medical practitioners in the world (Kovner &amp. Jonas, 2001).

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