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I will pay for the following essay Using Digital Media for Civic Engagement. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Civic engagement is impo

I will pay for the following essay Using Digital Media for Civic Engagement. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

Civic engagement is important for two key reasons. One, civic education is a core principle of democracy. Through the public sphere, people get to air their voice and contribute to important decisions such as voting in public referendums for issues that affect them directly. Civic engagement influences the public to exercise their voting rights and influence formulation of public policies. Second, civic engagement leads to more efficient and effective decisions since the input of all stakeholders is considered in making the final decision.To make the connection to the broader community clear in my contribution, I shall use digital skills such as podcasting and wikis to reach more people. The massages in these media will be simple, brief and concise to ensure that every member both online and offline understands the content and can resonate with it. The emails will be customized to suit different groups in the society Howard 101). For example, use of digital content such as images, videos and other graphics will suit the youth, while the elderly will be enticed with brief and comprehensive civic content, written in a simple form, mainly written in prose. To make the strongest case for my position in order to maximize my public voice, the following factors need consideration. Picking a topic of interest and informing myself through searching for information and checking authority for that information. This will facilitate an informed argument for the position taken. Making a case for the issue chosen will provide answers.

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