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If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a disc

If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 4-5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

****Very Important APA Format

Use of headings would have increased the level of organization.

To adhere to APA, the Title page should include the date and your professor's name. The first sentence of each paragraph should be intended one tab. The sources on the Reference page should each have a hanging indentation. Each source should also be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.

You can use the APA manual or the web for detailed guidance on the proper format of an APA reference page. A sample reference page is available by scrolling to the end of the sample paper at

Information on APA Citations can be found at

The Purdue OWL citation chart provides examples of proper use of inline citations and their associated references. It can be retrieved at .

****No Plagiarism***

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