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Imagine if we eliminated the notion of free will when it comes to our justice system. Present an argument that “justice” works better if we seek to help and fix people rather than just punish wrongdoe

Imagine if we eliminated the notion of free will when it comes to our justice system. Present an argument that “justice” works better if we seek to help and fix people rather than just punish wrongdoers. 200 words minimum.

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**** **** When ** Comes ** *** Justice System DiscussionNameProfessors ******************** Will **** It ***** to *** Justice ****** DiscussionQuestion: ******* ** we eliminated the ****** ** **** will **** it ***** to our justice ****** ******* ** ******** **** “justice” ***** ****** if we **** ** **** and *** ****** ****** **** **** ****** ************ *** ******* ******* ** * ******** and ********* notion ******* *********** *** *********** *** * ********* of wrongdoings ************ ******* ** ****** often **** ********* *** become ******* *** ********* ***** ** a belief **** ******* ********* more effectively ** ** aid the ******* instead of punishing *** ********* **** may be ********* because ** ****** *********** more on *** victims **** ** the ******** ************ ******** ** ***** **** individuals have **** *** ****** ** ********** ** ***** that **** **** **** ******** or ******** of somethingThe *********** ** the ******** justice ****** ***** offenders *** ******** *** ***** ********** ** **** **** *** **** ** **** **** ******* **** *********** choose ** ** **** or wrong *** *** ******** ** **** ****** ***** ***** now ******* ***** was no **** will and ** ****** ***** we've chosen ** **** individuals ****** **** punish ********* There is ** ****** to ** wrong; ***** ** **** *** ****** ** repair those *** **** **** will ** the ***** **** *** **** **** ** **** *** ***** releasing prisoners ** * ******** approach ** a ****** there ** ** **** for * ******** ****** to ******* *********** ** ** transgressions will ***** ** ******** ********* *********** ** **** ********** **** **** ********* **** Punishment *** * ***** ******* ****** ** ********** *** * ***** percent chance ** ******* while ********* *** ********* the ******** has a ******* ****** ** avoiding ****** **************** ******* from a ****** centered on punishment to one ***** on ******* ***** ******** *** number ** ******** and repeat ********* ********* ** **** ***** *** **** ********** of ******** punitive action: the ***** one ** deterrence *** ****** *** ************** ***** the ***** ** ************** *** *** fourth *** *** fifth *** ************ followed by *********** ************************* not only ***** ******* but also ********** to *** ********** around the ****** ** prisons Only ** *** **** ** ***** *** *** ****** ******* jail policy focused on *** ********** ** *********** ** ********* ****** **** ** prison ****** ********** ************** *** offenders were ********** ** ***** *** ****** *** ******** ************* issues **** may ****** ***** reintegration **** society ******* ***** *** United States ********** ** ******* ******** that fifteen ** ****** ******* ** ********* **** * mental disorderFinland ** the happiest country *** the ****** *********** **** ** ******* ************ ******* of *** ***** ****** ******** ****** ** jail contrasted ** *********** ******* ** *** U * ("Open prisons ** ******* are 'like * ******* ***** *** but **** **** ** ***** ***** ******* has **** open rehabilitative and ****** ************** **** programs ** **** ******* ***** *** no ***** ** ****** convicts *** ***** *********** to ***** and leave ****** than just cell ****** **** **** ** glass ******* ********* live ** dorms **** internet ****** *** *** amusement **** *** ********* ** a frozen **** inside *** **** ********** ** ** ****** **** **** integration ** ******* *** ***** member ** *** ********* *** ideal ****** system would ******* deterrent ************** *** repair Incapacitation ** reserved *** ***** *** pose * ****** ****** to society *** *** *** ** **** **** **** ** the ******** **** ******** **** ****** **** **** *** **** **** The ************ conception ** ******* entails that justice *** **** ********* **** * *********** ** ********** *** the ************* ***** **** **** *** This ***** *** ** be *** ********* ***** ** ** ****** for *** sufferer ** *** ****** ********* ******* **** *** ******* ****** *** mitigated *** ******** ** justice ****** be on improving *** ******** ************* and ************ them *** *** ****** *********** ******* **** ***** **** ****** ** ********* *** ** amount ** ************* can change **** Thus additional ********** **** ****** ****** if ******* ** *** *** *** support ********** and ********* **** **** ***** ***** victimized by ******** criminals    ReferencesKeinänen * Kilpeläinen M ******* * ***** **** * (2019) Prison ***** in ******** ***** *** ********* ************ of ** *********** **************** ******* ** ******** ****** *** ************* ******* https://doiorg/101007/s10610-019-09434-2Open ******* ** Finland *** ***** * holiday camp' *** *** **** **** ** **** **** ****** Retrieved 24 May **** from *********************************** * ****** Rehabilitation in *** Punitive **** The *** ******* ******** and ******* ** ** ****** *********** ********* ******* *********** ***** **********************************************

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