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immigration policy brief.DACA Introduction (can be one paragraph or 4 separate paragraphs for each point) The Hook--Give some stat on undocumented children and the hardship they face Wh

immigration policy brief.DACA Introduction (can be one paragraph or 4 separate paragraphs for each point) The Hook--Give some stat on undocumented children and the hardship they face What we know—DACA was designed to provide relieve for these children but the Trump admin has taken action to rescind DACA What we don't know--There is significant debate over whether DACA should be ended What your paper will do--This policy brief will provide a comprehensive assessment of DACA, including its pros and cons, and recommendations for moving forward. The problem--here discuss undocumented immigrant children and the challenges they face. You could integrate some of the Gonzales article information we read. Background on DACA: 1) discuss what lead Obama to adopt this policy—you might want to reference the DREAM Act. That is legislation congress has been considering since 2001 and would provide a pathway to citizenship for dreamers. But, it has never passed so Obama adopted DACA. Current policy proposal-- Discuss what Trump did and where DACA stands now—we are awaiting the supreme court decision Pros and Cons of DACA proposal--What do opponents and proponents say? And do we have any evidence to support their claims? Policy recommendation--what you have is good but connect it to the pros and cons you note if you can.

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