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Important: Please create a rough copy and a good copy Daily Draft: The format of the daily draft should be connected to your learning about film. The draft can be anything that is connected to film

Important: Please create a rough copy and a good copy 

Daily Draft: The format of the daily draft should be connected to your learning about film. The draft can be anything that is connected to film. e.g. A short video focusing on lighting, and/or audio, and/or picture etc.. or a movie poster, or review or recommendation… 

Connection to Place Daily Draft Dropbox - Day 1

On the last day of the week you will work to edit and revise something you created into a finished published product. This should be one of the three drafts taken to a final product.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday


How does the lighting impact the image? 

What strikes you about the lighting?

How might you harness light to impact your own pictures?

Do you understand the cycle of natural light in a day? 

How might you explore the natural light available to you?

How might you manipulate artificial light to replicate conditions on numerous occasions through time? (e.g. have a well lit picture in the middle of the night or in a dark room…)

Explore your devices to find ways to digitally manipulate light.


How does sound add to a film?

What strikes you about the sounds in the films you viewed? 

How might you harness sound to impact our own film?

Do you stop and listen to the ambient sounds in your space? 

Where can you go for certain sounds? (Parks, stores, markets, restaurants, rivers, forests…)

How might you explore the sounds available to you to add to the impact in a film?

Explore your devices to find ways to digitally manipulate sound.


What does ‘picture’ refer to in film/movies?

What picture(s) strike(s) you in the First Nations, Inuit or Métis films you have watched?

How does framing a picture change what is communicated?

If you create pictures or videos for social media, how do you decide what to fit in the frame?

How might you explore picture and framing to find ways to impact film?

Explore your devices to find ways to digitally manipulate ‘picture’.

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**** AnalysisStudent’s NameInstitutional **************** ******** reveals the **** ***** ** ***** ********* in *** **** *** also to focus ** the parts which *** of importance ** *** viewers ***** ***** *** ** ****** ** add more ******** ** *** **** which *** ********** ****** occurred ********** **** **** widely **** ** ****** *** characters at ***** *** **** ** *** *** ******* *** *** ****** taking ***** ** *** **** I *** ********** ** ******* **** *** mood ** *** ******* can ** **** ** ** manipulated through the use of ***** ** different ways Lights are ** *********** ***** in ******** *** ************ emotions in *** **** ** ** *** ******** * ***** ensure **** * ********** *** ******* light ********* to different times ** *** *** to **** them more ********* *** *** ******** different ********** *** moods ** ********* ***** ** the *** hence ** offers * ***** **** ** ******** an ***** **** life * ***** explore *** ******* ******** and natural ***** that *** ******** **** *** **** ***** ** the **** * **** ****** day ***** there is ******* ***** **** the *** ** ***** **** **** a ******* moment for * ***** **** ******* sadness or * ***** ** ******** ********** **** * ***** role in ******** that the ******* light **** **** been used ** make the characters become ******* on the ****** ** in *** film ********* will **** **** ** ** obtain lighter **** *** ******* ***** ** not ********** ********** ****** *** ******* **** in ********* ***** more ******** ** portrayed ** *** ********* *** ** ***** ****** I *** **** *** a ***** ***** to ***** *** ********** of the ****** ***** ******** distributing *** light ****** that *** taken within the ******* *** often taken **** *** *** ** ** ********** ***** ** ******* high ******** photosSound ****** *** ****** factors ** * **** ***** ** ******* *** ***** ******* ** *** ***** ** ** ******** Additional music ** **** ***** ** *** film to bring ***** * ********** mood ********* to *** ***** ** *** **** The ****** ******* ** the **** **** mainly ******** ** the ******** ********* ** *** ********** ******* background ***** *** the ***** ** ******* ** ***** ***** **** **** *** *********** **** In my *** film * ***** ****** that * **** good *** ** *** ********** ***** and ****** ***** *** *** ********* effect of the **** * ******* ****** ********* ** *** ******* ****** that make ** **** *** **** to ensure **** **** *** *** *** loud ** ******** the ***** ***** ** *** ***** **** are ** ***** importance ** ***** **** **** ********* to take *** ******* ***** ******* through ********* ****** ** ****** **** *** ** the ***** **** **** place **** brings **** natural sounds that are ********** ******** ** ********** *** listeners to know **** *** ***** ****** is ***** ****** ****** one ** *** very special sounds ****** ** forests There are ***** customized ****** **** are ***** sold ***** *** available ****** in helping ***** ******* ***** ** *** ***** ******** * ***** ensure that I **** use ** *** current background ***** ******* ** ******* ** them **** **** **** ** ****** and build * more ********* scene ********* ** *** ***** **** I **** *** * **** wireless *********** ** ** **** *********** *** ****** **** it is ***** **** ** *** production of * **** It is one ** the most flexible ***** ** recording ***** **** ******** **** ***** *** *** actors **** **** **** work in ********** *** ******* other ******* **** ** **************** Characters ** ****** are ****** ********** of ****** ** ***** ********** or ******* **** are ***** ****** *** ***** ** ** and not *** ******* The ******** **** *** ** greater ********** include ****** that require **** *********** ******** that *** used in *** ** *** ********* can ** used ******* ***** *** princess ******* *** ***** *********** ** *** ******* to spend **** **** wit them ****** are ******* *** *** **** ********* ** be **** ** **** *** ********** ** **** images ** ***** have **** ******* when * ** ***** ********** ********** ** *** ***** to *** people ******* **** more detail to *** ******* scenarios ****** the recording ** the film ***** *** *** ***** *** the *********** **** **** ** ******* to *** audience is **** ** * *** **** **** * ******* ****** *** *** ******** *** done ** ** ** natural ** ******** ** **** it *** ** able to balance with *** ****** Everything **** **** ****** *** ****** ****** ** ****** based ** the type ** ******* *** ********** ** *** ********** ******** ******* ******* **** *** viewers are still ****** with *** *** ********* ** the ***** *** **** ** framing can ** ******* ******* ******* *** *** ** green ******* ** ** ******* ******* of *** ****** ***** **** characters ** *** ******** of ***** ******* The characters ****** ** **** ** **** use of *** ********* props ** **** *** **** ****** ** *** ****** ** **** ** ****** task ** ******* the ****** Therefore *** ******** has *** ability to **** up with *** ******* ********* ******* ********** ** ********* **** ** the **** set It ** important ** ******* *** ****** ******* *** additional of ***** that *** ** ******** *****

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