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In a formal paper, using assessments in Modules 1-3, evidence from the Review Matrix, and taking into consideration what you’ve learned in your readings and assignments throughout the course, formulat

In a formal paper, using assessments in Modules 1-3, evidence from the Review Matrix, and taking into consideration what you’ve learned in your readings and assignments throughout the course, formulate a Personal Leadership Strategic Plan.

  • This may present for you an opportunity to incorporate the “burning question” that you developed in your Research course.
  • After thoughtful reflection of previously submitted Personal SWOT Analysis (mentally reflect on your strengths, how you can use your strengths to develop as a leader throughout your career, areas that you need to develop, and strategies that you can use to overcome limitations and enhance your leadership potential)
  • Construct the APA formatted narrative paper according to the following criteria:
  • Introduce your personal strategic leadership plan. Provide a thesis statement. (1 paragraph)
  • Write your personal leadership vision. Where do you see yourself in the context of leadership in the nursing profession in 10-20 years? How influential would you like to be in your community, nationally, or internationally? (1 paragraph)
  • Write your mission or purpose as a leader in the nursing profession. What do you want to be known for and why? For example: researcher, advocator, policy maker, educator, quality improvement specialist, formal leader.
  • Incorporate strengths of self-mastery from the book, Jesus CEO. (1-3 paragraphs)
  • Write SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time tested) goals. Then list the actions you will take to achieve each goal and plot a timeline for each action. Incorporate strengths of action and strengths of relationships from the book, Jesus CEO. (2-6 paragraphs)
  • Provide conclusion; succinctly summarize key “take home” elements for reader. (1 paragraph)
  • Use all course readings and assignments; and incorporate evidence from “Review Matrix” assignment which includes literature to support your chosen vision, mission, goals, and actions.
  • Utilize APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics including level headings.

· Jones, L. B. (1996). Jesus C.E.O.: Using Ancient wisdom for visionary leadership. New York: Hatchette Books. ISBN: 0786881267

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