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In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the followin

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Select an issue from the following list: nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, nurse staffing ratios, unit closures and restructuring, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction, and magnet designation.
  2. Compare and contrast how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach your selected issue. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
  3. Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional philosophy of nursing and explain why the approach is suited to your personal leadership style.
  4. Identify a possible funding source that addresses your issue. Consider looking at federal, state, and local organizations. For example: There are many grants available through the CDC, HRSA, etc.
  5. Use at least two references other than your text and those provided in the course.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

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Prof. Emmanuel
Prof. Emmanuel
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********** ** ******** and Nursing ******* to ****** ** ******************* NameInstitutional *********************** of ******** *** ******* ******* ** ****** ** ********************************* associated **** low **************** ****** **** **** a contemporary *********** ********** ** *** ******* ********** as the ******** *** ********* ********** intervention ********* *** ******* ******** laws California ** *** only ** state that *** ******** this law for *** ********* **** *** compelled ****** *** ****** **** ******* ****** ** fight for *** **** in ***** places ** **** workplaces The ****** ****** **** ****** argues that **** the **** when ********** ******** **** *** "such ***** staffing *********** **** **** unsuccessful ** other ****** ***** **** were ************** ** a ****** ** hospitals ********* ** take **** Hospitals ******** **** these **** ****** them off ***** ******** ** **** *********** ******** *********** and **** ****** * ********* ************ **** 3 ***** ******* ******* ****** claim **** ******* ********* exploit *** ****** ** ******** **** *** ****** **** *** ***** number ******** ******* ********* *** ******** ********* result **** job weariness ***** **** stress ********* ** the Michigan ****** *********** (MNA) ********* *** ******* ********* ******* like ********** *** they *** ********* ** *** ********** ******* **** * ***** ******** ** ****** ** a ******* ***** and ******* ** not ***** mediation is *** *********** ******** **** ******** ** ** * ***** ** ********* ******* ******** ** the ***** ** question ******* ********** ********** and management strategy *** aid ** ******* the ******* environment ** nurses *** ***** *** ************* ******* caused ** ************* **************** *********************** *** Leadership ******** ********** ** *** *************** in ******* at ***** ** * **** ********* ******** ** ** ************ * ******* to control *** ******* a health organization ***** ******* ** **** **** ***** ****** nurse performs his or *** **** in ************* those ********** ******** *** **** ******** *** ** **** **** accountable *** poorly ******** ******* and must ************ ******* **** ****** ******** ***** *********** ******** *** perfectly ************* ratios ****** ******* workforce ** **** ** patients *** ********** ****** ******** as ******** ** ****** can ******** ****** ************ ** ******** ******** *** be served inadequately ***** **** ****** ******* ***** ****** ** per Kaiser ****** **** ****** ** * survey ********* in 2004 it was evident that ******* ** ****** institutions ****** *** ************* ***** ************* ******** poorer ******** to ***** ******* ** ********* with ****** ratios" *** 8 ***** ***** from ******* ******** nurses *** as well ** ************ ****** ** ********** ** they *** in ****** ** * ***** ******* ****** ******** 2013) Managers *** ********** **** the ************** ** ********* **** environment designing ********** *** ****** ********** *** ********* ** ****** Working timetables *** ******** *** ** ******** in **** * way **** which ******* ******* ******** ***** ** ** **** responsibility of the managers to **** sure **** ****** ****** * *********** ****** ** ******** ** ************* ******** ** longer ****** have ********** ******** time *** ****** ****** ******* **** ********* ***** are the modes ** ********** **** managers *** adopt **** ** *** ***** ** ******* nurse-to-patient ************* ********** ** little bit *********** **** ** ******** ** ********** ***** * ******* ** ********** to *** ** *** ******** ******* ********** *** ** ****** *** ********** ****** ********** ** their ******** Leadership is ******* **** *** responsibility ** encouraging ********* *** ********** ***** *********** **** ** ********** *** objectives and ****** ** *** organization along with their individual goals ** * ******** completed ** **** ******** **** *** acquaintances he *********** ************ ******* ********** ****** ********** ***** ********** ***** **** ******* ******** In ***** ***** *** researchers ********* * *********** ******** on ******** studies ******** ** *** ***** ** ******** ***** ******* *********** peer-reviewed ******** ** **** as ****** ************* ********* *** ******* further ********* quality *********** on ***** ******* **** *** aim of narrowing down ******* and comparative ******** ***** ***** ******** ***** **** *********** **** * positive ************ existed ******* *** ******* ******* *** ************* leadership ***** ***** ***** & ******** ***** Interpersonal leadership ** * model of ******** that ******* *** ***** ** a nursing setting ***** ******** ratios ** * *********** concern ********* ** ******* *** ************* approach *** ****** as a ********** course ** a group ** people ****** ** make * ********** ** ********** ****** with * **** ******* ** benefiting *** ****** ***** (Pg * 2012) * **** ******* ** this methodology ** *** ********* ********** ******* that ******* *** backgrounds and ************ Nursing ******* can ****** **** ******** to collect ******** **** nurses concerning *** glitches related to nursing ***** *********** **** ********** ***** 2012) *** ******** ***** ******* to integrate ideas **** ****** *** ******* the working *********** ********* **** **** ** ** ******** ******** all workers ** ****** involved in * conceivable ****************** ******* ******* to ******* *** IssueMany ******* sources *** ***** *** can **** address this ****** for ******** *** ******* *** State funded ****** *** ******* ******** *** ****** *** ******** ******* students * ******* ** students benefits **** *** *********** ****** **** *** ** ********** ** ****** and ***** ******** ******** ***** ***** grants *** be maximized on ******* students ** ******* lack ** ************ workforce ** **** as *** ************* ************* Approach to *** IssueIn ** ******* * would go **** ************* ******** ** ** ******** approach ** **** ******* *** * ****** ** ******* every ****** when ** comes ** *************** at ********** level With rich background ** **** ********** *********** * **** **** ** ******** that * ** **** ******** **** I integrate ***** ******** recommendations ** thoughts ** *************** Furthermore I ********* ****** ** **** feedbacks ********** ** ********** ****** * ** *** an ******** ** ************* ** ************* **** ** leadership * ***** ******* ************* *********** ********* nurses’ concerns ** ** explicit approach ** ******* ************* ****** **** approach ***** **** me ********* ***** **** ***** ****** ****** **** in **** * ***** ********** ****** **** *** ********** shifts ** **** ******** ****** ***** ***** ***** discovering ***** they *********** most * would then ******** **** *** ******** ****** ** ******** ** ***** ****** ******* * contemplate it ** be ***** ** reprogram ***** ********* ***** a ******* ***** **** aim ** ****** their working environment more exciting **** **** ** ******** would ******* ********* ** burnout ****** ** **** aim ***** be to **** **** enthused motivated *** relish their *** ******* **** ********* nurse makes * productive nurse”ConclusionDiscrepancies associated **** *** nurse-patient ratios or ************* *** ****** * working *********** **** ** *** only tense for nurses *** **** ***** *** patients *** ************** ** *** ****** **** ********** are often **** ******* ** managers and ******* within *** ******* ************* ***** methods ****** ******** **** ********** ********** ** management ****** ********* ** approach ** this ****** ***** include an ******** ** *** finest ******** to ******* nursing ******* *********** ** a more ********** and appealing manner * ***** ** **** want ****** to **** ********** that **** *** ********** **** of *************** ******* ***** **** **** * much-cherished *********** on the ***** Finally *** importantly ** ********* ********** ** make **** that ****** are motivated during **** ***** **** as *** nurse-to-patient ratio circumstancesReferencesSchultz * ****** Nurses Fighting State by ***** *** ******* Staffing **** Kaiser Health **** ********* **** http://wwwkaiserhealthnewsorg/stories/2013/april/24/nurse- ******************** ********** ***** (2012) UTAedu ********* ***** ****************************************************************** C * ***** GG ******** ****** The ************ ******* ******* ********** *** ******* ********* * ********** Review ****** ******* ** Nursing ********** ****** *************************

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