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In this part, briefly answer/outline the questions with a thesis and three supporting points you would make. What were the primary causes of the Cold War? How did the end of WW II break down the all

In this part, briefly answer/outline the questions with a thesis and three supporting points you would make.  

  1. What were the primary causes of the Cold War? How did the end of WW II break down the alliance between the western allies and the Soviet Union?
  2. How did the Marshall Plan change from being an economic recovery plan to a political division that effectively isolated the eastern bloc?
  3. Explain the reasons for the Korean War and the US policies in Southeast Asia; how are these the same/different than reasons for the US involvement in Vietnam?
  4. Why do you think that the ’60s became a decade of protest and demonstration of political expression (war protests, civil rights movements, women’s rights, student organizations)? How did popular culture reflect the mood of the country?
  5. What accounts for the return in 1969 to the New Conservativism?
  6. What was meant by the "credibility gap?"
  7. Why was Nixon not impeached for the crimes committed during Watergate?
  8. How did the discussion of arms limitation begin with China and the Soviet Union?  What terms were reached?
  9. What was meant by the term "stagflation," and what was its context in the economics of the '70s, and 80s?
  10. What is meant by neoconservativism, and how was this philosophy addressed in the 1980s?
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