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Interpersonal Communication

W6 Assignment "Constructive Conflict Communication"

Interpersonal Communications

Constructive Conflict Communication

In chapter 7, we learned about obstacles to communication, specifically in effective and ineffective expressions of emotion. For your paper this week, give one personal example of an obstacle you have faced when trying to communicate your emotions effectively such as: social expectations, self-protection, protecting others, and social professional roles. Then, give one personal example of when you used an ineffective expression of emotions such as: speaking in generalities, not owning feelings, and counterfeit emotional language.

Each example should be around one to two paragraphs each

Finally, describe two relationships in your life: one in which you feel good about yourself and safe in the connection, and one in which you feel disregarded or not valued. Identify instances of each level of confirmation in the satisfying relationship and instances of each level of disconfirmation in the unpleasant one.

This section of your paper should be approximately two paragraphs long.

The total paper should contain a minimum of four total paragraphs (it can be longer). As you write, keep in mind that a good paragraph includes four to five sentences!

Grading Criteria AssignmentsMaximum PointsMeets or exceeds established assignment criteria40Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts20Clearly present well-reasoned ideas and concepts30Mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling that affects clarity, and citation of sources as needed           10Total100
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