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Is anyone able to write my informative speech outline along with the reference page in APA format? I would like for it to be about the negative affects of social media. One reason being that it can ta

Is anyone able to write my informative speech outline along with the reference page in APA format? I would like for it to be about the negative affects of social media. One reason being that it can take a toll on peoples mental health (depression and addiction). People see these "perfect" lives and "perfect" relationships on social media and wish to be like that. Some may end up depressed because of it. They're also addicted to seeing peoples lives. Another reason is that you could be putting yourself out there for predators to see. People don't realize how much information they actually put out. Can also include something about catfishes in this point of the speech. Then you can include any other cons of social media if you can think of any. 

Thanks in advance :)

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