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Just want to share some info in case need for the writing Suggested cancer assessment toolsMood/menta health-Hodpital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS)-Distress thermometer (DT)-Holistic Need Ass
Just want to share some info in case need for the writing
Suggested cancer assessment toolsMood/menta health-Hodpital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS)-Distress thermometer (DT)-Holistic Need Assessment (HNA)PAIN-Brief Pain Inventory-McGill pain questionnaire-MD Anderson symptom invebtory-Edmonton symptom assessment system-Distress thermometer-Holistic needs assessment-Sheffield profile assessment referral for careCancer in general/Fatigue-edmonton symptom assessment-brief fatigue Inventory-management symptoms scale-fatigue subscale for patients with advanced cancer (SMSFS-A)
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*********** ** the ***** of ************ have a variety ** ***** at ***** ******** *** ************ ********* ******* ** exposure and ** ******** ****** ************ studies cohort ******* and ******** trials *** *** ******** ** **** **** ****** has been on the **** **** the **** century Scientists ******* **** **** **** is *** ** people spending **** **** ******* particularly ***** **** we **** ** * ****** *** ******* world *** to ****** warming ** *** ******** sunlight is examined ** this paper ***** case-control ****** *** ******** ***** ******* to ********* * ******** link ** **** ********** ******* on **** *************** ******** ** the **** ** ********* and ** ******* the ****** ***** ***** Around *** globe millions of people *** impacted ******** there **** ****** ***** of **** ****** ** **** **** the ****** ******* ****** * ********* ** ***** ****** ****** Bulat ******* Simic & Bolanca 2008) There *** ******* ***** ** **** ****** Malignant ******** ** *** **** most closely tracked *** ********* ***** ****** **** **** ****** *** ************ **** ** *** United ****** ** is ********* **** in **** ***** **** ****** cases ** **** **** of **** ****** in *** ****** ****** **** 9480 ********** occurring that **** ****** ** *** ** *** cancer ************** ** *** **** **** **** *********** ******************* ***** the ********* of ****** ******* sunlight *** **** ****** ** the *********** ** **** cancers **** *********** ******* **** *********** ********* **** the sun ** *** ******* ***** ** **** ****** ******* ******** ********** ******** ** a *********** ********* phenomenon ***** ** ******** ** *** *** *** ******* **** in *** ***** system **** *** ******* ** ********** *** ******** **** ** ******* to ** ** **** ***** ** ***** ************** *** Existing LiteratureSeveral ************** **** ***** ** *** down *** link ******* *** ******** *** **** ****** **** ******* **** shown **** ******** direct ******** *** lower the ****** ** ********* **** ****** ** ** **** ** *** ******** ***** ***** ***** **** proves **** *** ******** ** *** primary cause ** skin ****** The **** * ******** ******** *** ******* the ****** **** **** ***** ****** Situm *** Zejiko ****** *** **** a few ** *** *********** *** have **** ** ** argue **** **** lifetime ******** to sunshine *** ** ********* ****** throughout *** ********** *** early ***** Cancer preventive ******* ****** ***** ** these ******** *** previously **** there *** several ***** ** **** ****** the **** ********** of ***** is called ********* ******** (MM) ***** *** ****** *** ****** ************ **** ******* ****** *********** ***** **** more **** ** *** *** is ****** for ************ **** ****** to ******* (Cancer ******** UK 2012a) ******* ********* melanoma may grow rapidly ***** **** a single ******* of ******* ******* Research ** *************** ******** ***** that ** *** **** ******** ** ****** **** ******* and * compromised ****** ****** *** all ********** ******* **** might ******** *** ********** ** developing skin cancer Sunlight exposure ******* ** ***** *** ****** most *********** **** ****** *** *** *********** of this ****** Cho ****** Faskanich *** Colditz are just a *** ** *** ********** **** **** linked *** ******** to **** ****** ***** study focused on one **** ** **** cancer ****** ***** **** carcinoma ****** *** ****** history *** fair **** all ********* *** **** of ****** when combined **** the exposure **** et ** 2005)MacKie ********* and ********* ****** found that ****** * history of severe ******* was *** ** *** **** ********* risk factors *** cutaneous ******** * **** ******* **** ** **** ****** **** **** ** to *** that *** ******** ** each person's ******** *** * direct bearing ** the ******** **** ** **** ****** they ********** got Ultraviolet ********* *** **** ****** ** skin ****** ** certain ******* ***** ***** studies **** ******* ** sunlight's ** **** ** *** primary ***** of the ******* (Situm ** ** ***** Sunlight *** **** ***** ** be * *********** risk ****** *** *** *********** ** **** cancer ** Bath-Hextall Leonardi-Bee ******** ******* ****** and ******* ****** They gave *** ******* ** veterans *** returned **** **** with **** sores ** ***** necks ***** ***** ** ******** ** *** sunInvestigation ** ********** ******** **************** such *** ******* ***** ************ ** ******* ** *** being out in *** *** ********* *** ********** of ******* **** ******** *** ************ ***** ************ **** ** ******** ******** ** *** of *** groups *** *********** ** ********* melanoma of *** **** ** the ****** ****** Patients ****** a ********* of skin ****** ** *** kind **** ** **** ** *** ********* ******** ******* ********** quantifies *** ******* ********* of * ****** ******* in * ********** ** * ********** ****** The ****** ********* will ** ********** ** prevalence *** incidence The ***** **** ** ***** **** ** **************** ********** Such *********** ****** ** ******** to ****** ***** issue ** **** *** the findings will ** ************* ** *** whole at-risk populationThe lack of * **** ****** ********* **** ** **** ** ******** *** ******** Controls *** **** ******** design *** for ******** ** ****** ** ****** from *** **** ** ****** who are ******** ** a local health ********* ******* **** cancer ** not * ***** ********* *** these ****** **** **** ** ******** ******* **** ** drawn **** *** **** **** ** ****** ***** they **** **** ** **** ********** ********* ** terms ** the experiences **** could **** **** teams **** ** *********** ******* one ******* **** *** controls and *** ***** **** ** sampled ** * way **** is ********* ** the exposure that ** being ******* here in **** ******** ************ **** ** **** *** ****** **** ******* ***** ** implemented a ******* that ********* *** ******* ********** *** ****** ** *** ******** will be ******* ** a **** *** study's ****** ********** **** be representative ** the ******* ******** ******** *** ********** ** *** ********** ** **** of developing *** ****** will ** calculated from this ****** In ***** **** ***** ** ************ documentation to back ** * ********* diagnosis *** *********** ** ***************** ** ******* ********* There might ** several ***** in the case ******* ** an example ** **** ******** *** fact **** *** participants **** *** all ***** from *** **** **** ** ****** If ****** ** **** health ****** to ***** ** ******** ******** **** ***** *********** ********* selection **** ******** ******* ** **** in *** ***** ******* the conduct of *** ***** ****** and the ************ **** ** *** researchers ******* **** ********** instruments ********* ************** **** be ********* ** assess **** ******** ***** ******* the ************ **** ** see ******* ******* * **** ******* sun exposure *** **** ****** **** *** ***** ******** ** *********** *** it will ******* ********* * ****** *** ******** ** ******* ** * ************ ***** ** sensitive ** *** *********** used to ******* the ******** ***** are *** potential ************ ***** designs: matched-pairs *** *************** ******* ****** et ** ***** *** ********** **** ** **** here *** *** **** ** the case study * ********* ***** **** be built *** ******** The tables ***** **** ******* *** *** ******** *** ******** and **** cancer ******** that ** **** **** population **** ** *** ******* ***** numbers to the table *********** ********* ***** potential for correlation may ** ******** ** this ******** ** build * ** ***** ** ********* *** ******* ** **** **** *** ******** *** *** ******** spent ** *** sun before *** study began *** rate the probabilities and the ****** **** be ********** ********** **** ** **** ****** *** ** ***** **** ********** precision ***** ************ *********** ********** **** will be a part of ****** ***** ** *** findings *** **** ******* sun ******** and skin ****** may ** inferred ** the ******** ******* *** **** ******** ** ******* ** ********** to **** cancerOne ** *** study's ***** is **** it ****** ** participants' memories ** assess ***** illness ***** ****** **** ** ********* **** The ******** also *** ******* *********** the **** ******* ***** **** it *** **** ** ******* ****** to ***** ** a ******* ***** Both *** patients *** *** ******* group are ********* as ******** ** *** illness ** hand This ****** ***** ** out ** * ********* of evaluating the ****** ********** ********* ****** studies ******* ***** ********** **** as ******* *** ***** ****** *** ***** are ******* ****** and **** ****** measurable ******* The ******* ** *********** ******* ********* *** **** them ** specific ************* ******* ** ******* *** ** *** strengthsCohort AnalysisCohort ******* ******* ********** exposed ****** ** ********* * ****** **** ******* *** ******** *** *** result ****** et ** ***** *** subject ***** ************* ** ******* ** *** exposure ** ******** ** ********** with ** ********* **** ** **** ****** ******** ************ **** ** * ********* ** ********* cases *** ****** **** consist of ******** *** are exposed ** ******** whereas *** ******** will comprise ***** *** *** not *** ******* *********** **** ********** ** **** ** ********* the *********** ********** **** ********** the ****** ** *** ******** **** ** ***** ******** **** ** ******* ******* ******* *** ****** **** ** selected to ***** ** *** *** whole ********** who ** exposed ** ******************** *** ******** ********* *** cohorts ****** be ***** **** **** **** ******* ********* **** spent in *** *** ********* *** ******** with *** exposure *********** Jobs ** the ************* ****** *** ******* will ** ****** ** help ******* **** goal As * ****** ** contrast ** *** **** ******** where selection is ***** on outcome status *** sample ** **** ******* **** ** determined ** ******** ****** **** ** a ******* **** skin ****** **** *** course ** *** ******** **** **** *** be included alongside *** ***** ***** the ******** *** inclusion are ***** on *** ******** *** *** illness ****** *** exposure levels of the control ***** **** be used to *********** ***** ** the general population ****** *** *** *** an analysis of *** possible **** ******* *** ******** *** **** cancerThe ********** ** **** ***** will **** **** ****** ** ******** how to ****** skin ****** Consequently ***** ** less ********* for ***************** ** illness **** using this method ** ******* to **** control ******* *** number ** sunburns a person ******** ****** * ******* time ****** **** be **** as a ***** *** ***** ******* ******** level *** period ** **** ******* ** **** ******** **** ** *** prior **** ***** The ****** *** were not ******* to ******** ** *** extent of developing **** ****** **** ************ ** included in the ****** ******** providing * chance ** ******** ******************* the individuals ** *** cohort study **** **** ***** ** ** ******* ** UV **** at ****** sufficient ** ***** skin ****** **** the ******** is ****** ** ****** from *********** **** If *** research ********** ** ******** based ** *** existence ** *** illness in *** participants **** **** **** is ****** to ***** The **** *** ** measured ** comparing *** ****** ******** ** the ****** ******** ** *** standards ** *** general populationThe ********** ** **** ****** **** ** assessed ***** ********* the ****** and *** ******* group *** ** least * ***** *** ********* of **** cancer ** the two ****** **** ***** ** ** initial ********* in *** examination ** *** *********** between sunlight *** skin ****** in **** ******** The rate of **** ****** ** the population that spent more time ******* ** ******** ** the **** ** **** ****** ** *** ******* ***** **** the course ** the ******* ********* ******** *********** **** ** **** ** evaluate *** ******** risk of ********** **** ********* risk ***** **** **** ***** **** **** ** computed for *** *** ******* ***** who **** exposed ** sunshine *** ***** who were not *** **** ratio *** *** **** difference **** ** ********** ** quantify *** ******** *** ******** ****** ****** ** al 2008) * ********** ** **** ********** **** ** **** **** *** ****** **** **** calculated in *** *** *********** *********** Since ****** in *** ******** spend * *** ** **** ******* ** the *** *** ******** ** the ********* of **** ****** among **** group ***** ** interpreted as proof **** *** exposure ****** *************** *** ************* ****************** ******* and depression *** ** ******** with the use ** the ******** Anxiety *** Depression ***** ****** * ******** *** ******** self-report questionnaire *** **** *** already been ******** ** prior ************** ** individuals **** **** cancer *** ** has ****** ******** *********** ********* ********* ****** ****** Dutch ******* ******* Chinese *** ****** **** ******** ** the ******** Anxiety *** ********** ***** (HADS) a short *** extensively **** ************* *** ******* psychological ********** ** ****** ******** ** * ************* ********* instrument ** ******** ***** comparisons *** ** ************** involving ******* ******** ** ******* *** ******* ** **** the **** has **** found ** ***** ******** ** ******** ************ ** *** ****** changes in *** ******** ** ******* ** ******* and ** *** ******** ** absence of medical or ************* ********* ** ********* the ******** *** ******** ** ******* disorders *** ********** ** somatic psychiatric ******* care and **** *** general ********** * recent ********** of the ********** ** *** ******** ** *** **** demonstrates ******* that ** ** a ************** ************* *********** **** *** ****** the ***** use *** **** with the ****** ** ******** ***** ** **** tool ********** by a factor of ****** four ******* **** and 2002This ******** ******** * ****** ** advantages and ************* that ****** ** ********** when ********* the **** ******* sun ******** *** **** ****** ***** factors may ** compared **** ****** **** ** ************ ******* ***** **** described ****** One ** *** ******* ******** **** **** kind ** ******** ** **** ** ** ********** ** ****** participants ** *** time ****** ******* may ****** ** drop out ** *** ***** or *** *** ***** participating ** a ****** **** *********** ******* ** examine skin ****** ********** ******* ** *** **** ** **** tabs on ************ for extended ******* of **** ******* **** *** * *********** ****** **** the one ******** ***** may be ************** ****** in participant selection and **** cancer ********* *** another ******** ********** **** ********* *** information ****** **** ***** **** ************ ******** ******** ****** ****** * number of advantages over *** ************ *** to *** **** **** ** exposure ** determined prior ** *** ***** ** **** ****** this ** * ******** **** ******** may **** ** ******** to ***** *** ********** ********* contribute ** *** development of certain outcomes **** of *** ***** exposures **** ******** *** **** of developing **** ****** *** **** ** ********** ** the **** ******** ***** is ******* **** featureStudy ****** ** Human **************** ****** *** another ******** method **** ***** ** ******** ** ******* *** **** ******* *** ******** *** skin cancer This ******* core ******** ***** is **** sun ******** ****** **** cancer?" ** ****** the risk of **** ****** in the ******* population *** clinical ***** **** *** * ************ approach ** ******** ************* ******** ** sunshine **** *** clinical study ****** will be ** *** *************** **** As ******* ** relying ** * ****** ****** this time ***** will ** * large ****** of ****** ****** **** ********* **** include only ***** *** have never been ********* **** **** cancer and *** **** ****** ***** **** ******* ** *** *** ** have **** ******* *** *** *** **** **** periods ** **** *** **** ****** the clinical ***** will ******* only the youngest ************ **** **** ** ******* **** *** course ** **** ***** to ***** for ***** ** **** ****** ******** ** ***** **** will ** **** ** **** sunscreen ******** **** ** outside One ***** **** *** ** ****** ********* while the other ******** ****** *** ***** **** *** ******* ******* **** to *** ** ********** *** this ****** **** **** hail **** regions ***** sunscreen *** ** **** ********** ****** of people **** be completely ******* **** the ***** ****** ** rule *** **** ****** *** other possible ****** * ******** physical *********** **** ** ********* The ***** *********** ****** will ******* identical ******** *** medical ************ ** *** ******* group ** ***** ** ****** *********** ** ***** ** additional skin ****** **** ******* ******* also **** ******* origin stories ******* ** **** ** *** ** ******* **** *** ******** *********** ********* *** ******* ****** *** ** these ****************** ** such * study **** **** *** ******** ****** ***** **** will have *** little prior ******** ***** ** *** start ** *** ******** ******** ** ***** be ******* ** ******* ************ ** **** scientific ********** * **** shot ** ******** **** ****** by using * ******* ***** *** **** *** ** **** ***** * ************ ****** **** ** **** *** *** ************* Researchers **** be ** *** dark about how **** ****** really *** *** ********* *** *** ************ ***** be ****** into ******** ******* *** using ********* **** this ****** the ******** *** ** ********* with only one participant's eyes ***** coveredThe ************ **** ** ****** ***** * ****** that ***** each ****** an ***** **** ** ***** ****** Students **** ****** schools **** *********** ** *** research Names ** *** school ************ **** ** **** as *** basis *** selection The *********** who ******* **** ****** ** *** group **** has ****** to ********* will be ******** ** ***** *** ** *** ** a later ********** ********** ******* ********* ** * **** *********** in **** ******** Misclassification however will be minimized ***** ************ ***** **** ** utilizedThis ******** experiment **** continue *** * very **** **** ********** *** risk ** ************ being **** ** ********* *** ******** ********** *** ******* **** ********** ***** ***** **** *** ******** ** *********** ****** ****** *** introduced **** *** ******** ****** ** *** ********* ** ******** The prevalence of skin ****** ** ***** geographical **** *** **** a **** ** *** ********* ** ***** ******** The potential *** information **** in **** ******** ***** ** ******* ****** ** **** **** ***** ** ******** ***** the ******* ***** data analysis ********** *** ******* ********** *********** **** ********* if there ** a **** between *** ******** *** *** onset ** **** cancer ************* ******* ** *** **** ** other ***** of **** cancer **** ** ****** *** in both groups of ************ *** ***** ** **** ****** ** ***** ****** will ************ ** ********* ****** **** ******* the usage ** sunscreen ** *** lack thereof *** ********** ** these ****** **** ** ********** ** **** ** the ***** ******** exposure ** * ************ factor for skin cancer if ***** is * greater incidence ** **** cancer ** the ********** **** was *** ******* ** *** ********* ******** ** the ***** **** *** ****** to *** ***************** ****** like ***** ***** ** ******** **** ********** *** disadvantages **** ****** to ********* ******* ** *** a certain exposure causes **** cancer *** ******** linking ** radiation **** the *** to ** ********* **** ** skin ****** ******** these *********** *** ******* ************** involved in ********** * clinical ***** on ***** volunteers ** * ********** of the ******** *** of the ************ ****** have *** **** ****** ** medical care This ***** it tough ** unfairly discriminate ******* **** people **** estimated **** *** ***** **** take a very **** time ******* *** **** will **** ** ** followed until ********* to ********* a causal ******* study's ******** ******* ******* *** **** **** * correlation ******* *** exposure *** **** cancer may ** ***** ******* ************ * link ******* *** ******** *** **** ****** the ******** *** also *********** additional ******* ** *** ******** ** *** disease *** ******** ***** *********** **** has the ******* of ******** *********** ** ****** *** ******** ** *** ********** **** ****** to prevent ** ****** and **** cancer This means **** *** findings ** *** ******* conducted ** it *** ** ******** In ******** to informing the ********** of the **** between *** ******** and **** ****** *** presented **** *** ** ******** in ********** investigationsReference **************** F ************ J ******** * Webster A Delitt J ***** ******* * (2008) ************* for preventing ************ skin ******* ** ********* groupsCochrane ******** ** ********** ******* ***** ************** ******** ** *********** ****** ***** and *************** ******** UK (2012b)Melanoma ***** *** ************ * Rosner * ********* * ***** ******* * ****** **** ******* *** ********** ************* ** ******** for ************* ** ******** Oncology ***** *************** * ********* A & ********* A ****** ************ ** ******** cutaneous ************** of ************* vi1-vi7Roberts * ***** D (2009) ********** ** ************* ** reduce sun exposureBehavioral Medicine 35(2) ********** D ****** * ***** * ***** Zejiko P (2010) **** ******* ********** **** the occurrence ** ***** cell ****************** Antropologicum ***** 147-150Situm * Buljan * ***** * ******* * Simic * ***** ******* * ****** The **** ** ** ********* ** *** *********** of ***** **** ****************** ************** ***** *******