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Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+ Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+ Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+ Liberty Uni
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
Liberty University BUSI 411 Exam 2 complete Answers | Rated A+
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** ******** 13 *** ** 3 pointsMaximum ******** ******** refers to *** ***** ***** *********** Answer:the **** ** **************** ****************** ** ** ******* capacity commonly ****** ** ********* ********** ThinkingAccessibility: ******** ***************** RememberDifficulty: * MediumLearning ********** ***** ******** **** ** defining *** measuring ************** ******** *** ********* ********** ******** ** out ** * *************** * ***** **** ********* Y Operation X *** ** ********* ******** ** 55 ***** *** hour ********* Y has ** ********* ******** ** 50 units *** **** ******* * way ** ******** Y's ********* ******** ***** ** ** example ** ******** * constraintSelected *************************** ****************** ** ** ********* * ***** into operation ******* ********** ********************** ******** NavigationBlooms: ******************* * ************** Objective: ***** Describe *** steps **** *** **** ** resolve constraint ************ Constraint ************ ******** 33 out ** * *********** *** following *********** what would *********** ************ ******** * ** ***** *** dayDesign ******** * 60 ***** per ********* ****** = ** ***** *** daySelected Answer:25% Response ****************** ** 38 Given *** following information **** wouldAACSB: ********************** ******** ***************** **************** * ************** ********** 05-03 ******** **** ** ******** *** measuring capacityTopic: Defining *** ********* ********** ******** 43 *** ** * ********* owner ** Firewood ** ** ** *********** buying * hydraulic **** splitter ***** ***** *** ****** He figures ** **** **** ** additional **** per cord ** ******** *** ***** **** with this ******* while he *** sell **** **** ** ***** **** *** **** *** many ***** ** wood ***** ** **** to split **** **** machine ** ***** even?Selected Answer:2000 Response Feedback:correctMC Qu 62 *** ***** of ******** To ** ** consideringAACSB: AnalyticAccessibility: Keyboard ***************** **************** 2 MediumLearning ********** ***** ******* ******** ********** that *** ****** *** evaluating ******** ****************** ********** Alternatives· ******** ** *** ** * ********** is the break-even quantity *** *** following situation?FC * $1200 per ****** * ** *** ******* * ** *** ************ Answer:300 Response ****************** ** ** What ** *** ********** ******** *** ********* ********************** Keyboard ***************** **************** 2 MediumLearning ********** ***** Briefly ******** ********** that *** useful for ********** capacity ****************** ********** ************** ******** ** *** ** * pointsA ******* ***** ** locate ***** departments ** Y *** ** ** *** ***** ***** (I ** and **** ** * new facility **** **** to ******** ***************** ************** ***** ***** are ******** ** ** $50 *** load *** meter ***** ** analyst has ******** *** following ********* and **** ******************** ************************************************* ****** *** *************************************** many ***** ****** process ******* are there?Selected ****************** ****************** ** *** * company ***** ** locate ***** ***************** ********************** ******** ***************** **************** 2 ************** ********** 06-09 Develop simple ******* ************* ********* ******* ********* ******** ** out of 3 ******* ******* ***** to rebalance * ******* ****** *** ********* *** plastic ******* ****** **** plan ** use the ******** line *** ***** in ***** to **** ********* ****** ** 2160 ******* plates **** *** *** ********* ***** ********* *** ***** involved ** the production ** this ************************************************************************* ****** ** ***** ********* ****** **** **** be the ********** ** the ******** **** **** uses the ******* number ** ********************* ********** ***************** Feedback:correctMC Qu *** * ******* ***** ** rebalance a productAACSB: AnalyticAccessibility: Keyboard NavigationBlooms: **************** * ************** ********** ***** ***** ****** ************** problemsTopic: ********* ******* ******** **** *********** Question ** *** of 3 ********* minimum ******** ***** time in a ******* product ****** **** ** ******** ********** ** determined ** ************ Answer:longest **** ************** ****************** Qu ** The ******* ******** ***** **** ** a ******* ************* Reflective ********************** ******** ***************** ******************* * MediumLearning ********** ***** ***** ****** line-balancing problemsTopic: Designing ******* Layouts: **** *********** Question ** *** ** * pointsQRS Corp ** designing a ******* ****** *** a new ******* **** **** ** use **** ********** **** ** hours * day in order ** **** ********** ****** of *** ***** *** day The ********* ***** ********* *** ***** ********* ** produce **** ******************************************************************************* ****** ** ***** ********** ****** **** **** ** the ********** of *** ********** line **** **** the least ****** ** ********************* ********* percent Response ****************** ** *** QRS Corp is designing * ******* ****** forAACSB: ********************** ******** ***************** **************** * ************** ********** ***** ***** ****** ************** problemsTopic: Designing ******* ******** Line Balancing· ******** *** *** of * ********* ***** **** ** ** ********** ***** ********** ********* tend ** be ****************** ************ ***** and flexible; *********** *** ******************** ****************** Qu ** *** ***** **** ** ** ********** *********** ********** ThinkingAccessibility: ******** NavigationBlooms: ********************* * ************** Objective: ***** Name the *** **** ******* that ********* ******* *************** ******* *********** ******** *** *** ** * ********* owner of *** ***** ***** ** ******* * **** ******** for the **** ** ******** * *** cage In * *********** ***** she observed *** of her ******* ******* this **** *** ***** **** the ********* results: Observation123456Time(Seconds)998790819390What ** *** ******** **** *** **** task if *** ******** worked ** * 50 ******* ****** **** **** average and ** ********* ** ** ******* ** the ******* ** ************* ********** seconds Response ****************** ** *** *** owner ** *** ***** ***** ** develop ******* ********** *************** **************** * MediumLearning Objective: 07-10 ******** and ******* time ***** ******* *** ******* ****************** **** ************* ******** *** *** of * ********* ******* ** Lawn *** Garden ******** would **** ** estimate the proportion ** her ********** **** spent ********** ******* ********* and lawn care ********** She *** made *** ****** ************ of * typical worker **** *** following ********************** ObservedMowing 200 Trimming 80 Raking 40 Miscellaneous 80 How ********* *** *** ******* ** that *** **** ********** ** **** ***** mowing ** ******* 45 and 55?Selected ********** percent Response Feedback:correctMC Qu *** *** ******* of **** *** ****** ************* ********** ThinkingBlooms: **************** 3 ************ ********** 07-11 ******** **** ******** *** ******* ****************** **** ************* ******** *** *** ** 3 *********** ** *** following is *** ********* considered an ********* ** *********************** ***************** ************** Feedback:correctMC ** ** ***** ** *** following ** *** *************** ********** ThinkingAccessibility: Keyboard ***************** ********************* 2 ************** ********** ***** ******* *** advantages *** ************* of ******************** *** Design· ******** *** *** ** * ******* ******* *** measurements ******* *** Digital Devices ***** ** ******* * **** ******** for *** task ** assembling a ******** mouse ** * *********** ***** she ******** *** ** *** ******* ******* **** **** six times with *** ********* results: Observation123456Time(Seconds)463840344240What is *** observed **** for **** task?Selected ********* ***************** Feedback:correctMC Qu *** * ******* *** ************ analyst ********* Analytical *************** ApplyDifficulty: * ************** ********** ***** ******** *** ******* **** ***** ******* *** perform ****************** Work ************* ******** 153 *** ** * ********* ***** of Touchdown ****** Bar ***** ** ******* * **** ******** *** *** task of mixing a ********* cocktail ** * *********** ***** ** observed *** of *** ********** ******* this **** seven ***** **** an ******* ** 90 ******* *** a standard deviation of **** *********** ** *** ****** **** for **** task if *** ********* ****** ** * ** percent ****** **** **** ** **************** ********** seconds Response Feedback:NT * OT ** 12MC ** *** The owner ** ********* ****** *** ***** ******** Analytical ********************** ******** NavigationBlooms: **************** * ************** ********** ***** ******** *** ******* **** ***** ******* *** ******* ****************** **** ************* ******** *** *** ** * pointsA ******** ************ ******** clothing ** **** ********* ** *** ****** ****** ** * **** to ******** *********** *** ******* ** ******** * *** ****** ********** ***** **** **** ****** ****** ** *** **** clothing ****** *** ******** plants **** **** ******* ** a ********** system ** follows: Location(x y)A7 *** *** 5D6 *** 4If the ****** ** ****** ******* ** **** plant ** ***** **** ** the optimal ******** for *** ****** ************** Answer:6 *********** ****************** ** ** * ******** ************ ******** ******** ******** ********** *************** **************** * ************** Objective: ***** Use *** ********** ********* ** ******** location ****************** ********** ******** ************** ******** *** out ** 3 ************** options ** *** ******* **************** Answer:a ****************** ****************** Qu ** ******** options ** *** usually ************** Reflective ********************** ******** ***************** RememberDifficulty: * HardLearning ********** 08-03 ******* *** ******* **** *** ********* for ******** decisionsTopic: The ****** ** ******** Decisions· Question *** out of 3 ******* ******** ******** *** been narrowed down ** ***** ********* The critical factors ***** ******* and *** ratings for each location *** ***** ************************************ ************************* Cost2808060Market Access2907060Raw ********* ****************** Cost1809070What ** the ********* ***** for ******** ********** Answer:75 Response Feedback:incorrectMC Qu ** A ******** analysis has been ******** **** ******** Analytical *************** **************** * ************** ********** ***** *** *** techniques ********* ** ******** ******** alternativesTopic: Evaluating ******** Alternatives· ******** *** out ** * ********** * ******** ********** ******** **** ************ and qualitative ****** a ********* **** *** ** **** is:Selected ************* **************** ****************** ** ** **** * ******** ********** ******** ********** ********** ThinkingAccessibility: ******** ***************** ******************* * MediumLearning Objective: 08-07 *** *** ********** presented ** ******** ******** ****************** ********** ******** Alternatives· ******** *** *** of * *********** ** *** following is least important ** * consideration for * **** at *** ********* ** * ****** ************** Answer:access ** *** ******************* ****************** ** 59 ***** ** the ********* is ***** important ******** ********** ThinkingAccessibility: ******** NavigationBlooms: ******************* * ************ ********** 08-02 ******* why ******** decisions *** *************** *** ****** of ******** Decisions· ******** *** out ** 3 pointsDesign ******** ****** ** the ******* ****** **** **** *** be ******** ***** ideal ****************** Answer:True Response *************** ******** ** the ******* ****** rate ** ******* **** ** ********* ******* ** ******** ** ******** ***** Qu 4 ****** ******** ****** ** the ******* outputAACSB: ********** ********************** ******** ***************** RememberDifficulty: * EasyLearning ********** ***** ******** **** ** ******** *** ********* ************** ******** *** ********* ********** ******** *** out of * ****************** ********** *** take the **** ** ***** processing ** a *** ************ ********************* ********** *** **** ** a ***** ********* **** a standard ***** **** ** ***** Qu 8 Intermittent ********** *** take the form ofAACSB: ********** ThinkingAccessibility: ******** ***************** ******************* * ************ ********** 06-03 ******* the **** ***** ********** *********** ******* Selection· ******** *** *** ** * pointsA *********** rating ** less than ** ***** that *** ******** ****** *** ****** ** ** working ** * ****** **** ****** ************ *** *** **** quickly **** ************** Answer:False Response Feedback:A *********** ****** of less than ** ***** the *** was being **** ** * ****** **** ****** paceTF ** ** A *********** rating ** **** **** 10 *********** Reflective ThinkingAccessibility: ******** ***************** ********************* * ************** ********** ***** Describe *** ******* **** ***** ******* *** ******* calculationsTopic: **** ************* Question *** out ** 3 ************ ****** ** limited ** ************ *********** concerning ******** ***************** Answer:False Response Feedback:Qualitative ************** *** ** brought **** ****** ****** approachesTF ** 15 ****** ****** ** limited ** ************ ***************** ********** ********************** ******** NavigationBlooms: ********************* 3 HardLearning Objective: ***** *** *** ********** presented ** ******** ******** alternativesTopic: ********** ******** Alternatives· Question *** *** of 3 pointsAn ******* of * regional ****** ** ******** ******** ** *** location of *** markets (either existing ** potential)Selected ********************* *************** location ** * ******** ******** ** * ** ******* of a regional ****** in locationAACSB: ********** ********************** ******** ***************** ******************* * EasyLearning Objective: ***** ******* *** ************** ******* ** ****** location decisionsTopic: *********** * ******* ****** Community *** ****