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Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
Liberty University CJUS330 Test 3
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** Question ** *** ** * ********** ****** of government *** *** ********* ** ****** among ********** **************** *********** ******** ****** ** ************ ******** ** *** of * pointsChallenges ** ****** **** ******* * justification *** called challengesSelected *********** ******* Question ** *** ** 3 ******************** **** focuses ** ********* **** * high **** of serious ********** ** ************** ***************** **************** ******** 43 out of * *********** of *** ********* ***** of ********** *** figured *********** in studies ** racial ************** ** ******************* *************** ************ ******** ** out ** * ********* leading advocate *** ******* ***** jury ****** ********** *********** ******** Association of Criminal ******* Attorneys· ******** 63 *** ** 3 ********* ** *** books expresses * strong ********** *** bail unless ***** *** ********** evidence establishes thatSelected *********** ** ***** ******* *** ********* ******** 73 *** of * pointsIn which of *** ********* ********* *** *** ** Supreme Court **** **** the ********** is ***** ** ********** ** disclose evidence to *** ***** **** **** may help ***** *** suspect?Selected Answer:cUS * Williams· ******** ** *** ** * ************* prosecutors *** defense ********* *** *** peremptory ********** to ********* potential jurors ** *** ***** ********** Answer:crace ** ***** ******** ** *** ** 3 ********** is another name for trial *************** Answer:dpetit ******** ******** 103 *** of * ************** ***** ***** *** *** *** covered ** statutory ********* **** serving on a **** panel areSelected ************* ******** ****** and ************ ******** *** out of * ********* ** ******* ********* ****** ******* * **************** *** *********** ** what type ** evidence?Selected ********************* ******** *** out of 3 ********** states ******* *** ******* ** **** * notice ** **** **** ** evidence **** ** usedSelected **************** for an ***** ********* ******** 133 out ** * pointsAccording ** *** ******* Uniform Crime Reports ******** ****** ********* ******* ******** ** a ***** ********** Answer:d8 ** *** ******** 143 *** ** * pointsEvaluations of **** camp ********* **** ************ Answer:dboot camp ********* do ** better than ***** ********* ***** ********* ******** 153 out of * ******* ************* ****** plea **** ********** Answer:dintelligent *** *********** Question *** out of * ********** selection occurs ** three *************** Answer:acompiling * ****** **** ********* ********* and ************** ****** Question *** *** of 3 ******** what **** ** ********** **** *** ******** ******** ********** *** victim *** *** **** ****** by the ******** **************** ********************* ******** *** *** ** * pointsWhich Amendment ** the ** Constitution ******* “No ****** ***** be **** ** ****** for a capital or ********* infamous crime ****** ** * *********** ** ********** of * ***** **************** ********************** ******** *** out ** 3 *********** ** the ********* ********** ********* ** * *********** ************* *************** ********** ** ******** ***** ** ***** ** ****** the ***** ** ****** ** a ********** motions· ******** *** *** ** * ********* ****** of * grand **** indictment ** **** ******** ** ********** ********* complaint· ******** 213 *** ** 3 ********** **** be ********* ** **** ** *********** ** either *** ****** ** *** arresting officer? ** ** **** ******** **** in *********** *********** ******** or **** order ****************** Answer:dcomplaint· ******** *** *** ** 3 ********* ** *** ************ ** ************* ************* ** ************ ********* According ** the chapter ************ sanctions *************** *********** of ***** *** ******* ** ************ sanctions· ******** *** out ** * pointsCriminal trials ***** with two ************* *** *********** of innocence *** *** presumption ********** Answer:csanity· Question 243 *** ** * **************** communications protect ************ discussions ** ******* ************* ** ***** ** want ** ****** **** ****** ************* ***** ** *** following would not ** ********** * privileged ********************** ********* ************ between teacher *** ********* ******** *** out ** 3 ********** ******** ************ ****** *** ***** ****** ** ***** to ** served ** *************** Answer:ddeterminate· ******** *** *** of * ********** ********* ********** that “in *** ******** ************ *** accused ***** ***** *** ***** ** * ****** *** public ***** by ** ********* **************** ************* Question 273 *** ** * *********** ** *** ********* ** not *** of the ***** reasons *** case attrition?Selected ************* *********** ******** *** *** ** * ******* ********* *** ****** ****** ** generally required to **** *** **** what ************* ********* ****** ****** Question *** *** ** 3 ********* bail ***** ******** a *********** **** ** ********* and ***** * profit ********** **************** ** ******** ********* ******* of **** ******* ******** ******** *** out ** 3 *********** ** *** following ******** ***** ***** ***** ******* *********** ********** *** ******************* *********** ****** ** the **** ** *** ******** ******** ******* *************** *** four **** ****** **** that defendants *** ****** pretrial ******** ***** ** *** **** ******* Why?Selected ********** four most common **** **** defendants can secure ******** release **** cash **** ******** bond ******* ** ************ *** **** bond ******* *** ******** ** * ********** **** agent ** *** cash bond the ******* either **** the full ****** ** their **** **** with *** court or * ********** ** ** **** ** the **** ** a **** **** Property ***** *** ** **** **** **** ** ********* ******* ****** ******* **** *** ******** needs ** be ****** the ****** of *** **** **** ** owed * **** **** occurs **** **** the ****** *** *** **** ******** wants to **** * **** ***** *** will **** post the ****** ******** *** **** **** ****** a *** ***** **** ** ** ******* ** *** amount of *** **** ********* *** **** ****** ******** ******* is *** bail **** Release ** ************ only ****** **** *** judge ******** *** ******** **** jail **** a ******** **** **** ** *** ****** truly believe **** the ******** **** *** ************ ************** ******** ******** ******* ************** **** ***** ** ******** documentsSelected ********** **** types of ******** documents are * ********* ****** warrant ********** *** *********** ********** *** **** ** ********* by affirmation or **** ** * ******** ****** ****** *** these ******** ********* *** ********* **** **** *** ********* violations or ************ Charging documents is **** ***** as *** "arrest ******** *** ***** documents *** issued by *** ***** and *** usually used for common ****** ****** ** ********** is * ******* of ******** ***** **** the ***** **** ******* *** ******** *** *** ***** will ******** forward An *********** ** somewhat ******* ** the ********* ********* however *** *********** ** ****** ** *** prosecutor *** **** ** **** ******** ** ****** **** do *** *** grand juriesResponse ************** Given]Friday *** ** 2017 ******* PM *****