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Match the number which best corresponds to the lettered description 1. Second Great Awakening 2. Ann Lee 3. Charles Grandison Finney 4. Lewis Cass 5....

Match the number which best corresponds to the lettered description1. Second Great Awakening 2. Ann Lee3. Charles Grandison Finney4. Lewis Cass5. voluntary associations 6. temperance movement7. Seneca Falls 8. Nauvoo, Illinois 9. The Compromise of 185010. Wilmot Proviso11. Robert Owen12. Webster-Ashburton Treaty 13. Frederick Douglass 14. Nathaniel Hawthorne15. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo16. Winfield Scott17. lyceums 18. Romanticism19. Frederick Law Olmstead20. Sam Houston_____A. 1848 women’s convention_____B. prevented slavery in newly acquired Mexican territory_____C. sponsored lectures and libraries _____D. British utopian_____E. ‘pillar’ of the middle class_____F. interest in raw nature and folk culture _____G. U.S. general in Mexican-American War _____H. popular sovereignty organizer_____I. designed city parks _____J. black abolitionist_____K. campaign against alcohol_____L. Mexico agreed to cede New Mexico and Upper California_____M. religious revival_____N. authored The Scarlet Letter _____O. evangelist preacher_____P. president of the Republic of Texas_____Q. founder of the Shakers_____R. settled Anglo-American boundary dispute _____S. California admitted as free state; concessions to slave states made_____T. founded by Mormons

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