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MBA Finance – 610 Case Study Assignment (Individual) 40% 2000 words. Assessment Requirement: Students are required to describe financial ratio analysis, identify who is interested in ratio analysis a
MBA Finance – 610 Case Study Assignment (Individual) 40% 2000 words. Assessment Requirement: Students are required to describe financial ratio analysis, identify who is interested in ratio analysis and explain what each ratio measures. Further, students must compare Profitability, Liquidity, Activity and Debt ratios using the correct formula of each ratio and state whether a high or a low ratio is favorable. Finally, the students should be able to judge the financial position of the two automobile companies, and conclude their analysis with an investment decision. Using the attached annual reports of GM & Nissan, you are required to do the following: 1. Explain Activity Ratios, Debt Ratios, Liquidity Ratios & Profitability Ratios stating whether a high or a low ratio is more desirable. 2. Calculate Activity Ratios, Debt Ratios, Liquidity Ratios & Profitability Ratios for the 2018. 3. Compare GM ratios to Nissan ratios for the year 2018. 4. In the light of the calculated ratios in part 2, suppose you have AED500,000, will you invest these funds in GM or Nissan, explain why? Submission: May 4, 2020 through LMS Turnitin
Your Terms of Reference:As a GUIDE ONLY, this section outlines some of the aspects you may considersignificant given the brief shown above. Your report should include:Students will submit case analysis report of maximum 2,000 words (excludingreferences) with the following content structure:I. Executive SummaryII. Introduction.III. Body of ProposalIV. Summary and ConclusionV. References.
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in ** ** **** attractive because it has ****** ROE ** its shareholders Activity *************** Ratios Inventory ******** ***** Inventory ******** ***** for ******** ********** *** ****** ** ***** inventory ** sold ** *** clients ** **** for a ***** ********** during * given ********* ****** *** ratio ****** ** average *** *** **** ** *** *** ** ** ********* and ********** ** the ******** ******* **** 2019)The ***** helps ** determining ******* ******** *** ***** ******** **** by rotating them **** final ***** **** *** analysis ** has a ***** ** 1453 higher **** **** ** ****** ** ** This ***** that Nissan with low ***** has *** **** ********* within its ******** * ***** **** ** ****** would ** ****** ********* ******* **** ********** **** sales **** *** further ********** ******* to shareholdersploys ** *** ********** * ***** **** ** ***** than one ***** **** a ****** ********** of the ******** assets are funded ** shareholders ** ****** equity *** * ***** ******* **** * means **** debt ******* ** ****** ** ****** of * **** It ** ******* **** *** calculation ***** **** ** *** ****** ****** of leverage ******** ** Nissan **** translating to * ***** ****** ** financial flexibility **** ***** ****** ***** *** ** ******* motors ****** *** ******** ** ********* *** ****** **** ******* ***** *** of the total ****** **** ****** ** *** other **** has *** ** *** ********* ****** ***** ******** ** creditors *** *** ******** ** ************ In **** ****** ** ** ********* for *** investor to consider * **** **** *** **** lower ***** **** ** ***** ***** *** ** the **** ** *** **** ******** ********* in ****** **** ** ****** ratio ***** *** 064 dollar for ***** ***** for **** shareholder’s ****** dollar *** analysis shows that general motors ********* **** a *** ** ***** to ******* *** ********** ** ******** to ****** *** ******* for ************ in ****** *** ****** ** get ****** ******* **** ***** ** ** ** **** **** **** ** *** **** ** ******** ** ***** **** ** uses as *************** *** Conclusion ************ ************** ** ****** *********************************** ********************** ***** ************************ ****************** ratio07961541Total **** ** asset ***************** ** ****** ***********