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MIPS Assembly Workshop - 2015 This workshop is to allow you to practice your skills at the art of assembling MIPS Assembly Language program code. The...

This workshop is to allow you to practice your skills at the art ofassembling MIPS Assembly Language program code.The following page has a small copy routine written in MIPS AssemblyLanguage.Please fill in the spaces in the table as my example shows:Please use decimal values for the OpCode row, and Hex digits for theInstruction row. Use your Green Card to lookup the required values.Location ProgramCounter CounterBEQ $t4, $s7 Fini # Branch when equalOpCode Rs Rt Offset or immediate value4 12 23 Offset from Program Counter to FiniInstruction: 1 1 9 7 (offset to Fini) [Use Hex digits]24 28Additionally, use the Left margin to keep track of the LocationCounter, and the right margin to note the value that would be in theProgram Counter.The initial value of the Location Counter should be zero.The first instruction below is worked.LC ADDI $v0, $zero, 0 # Initialize counter PC8 2 0 00 2002 0000 4loop: LW $v1, 0 ($a0) # read the nextsource word4SW $v1, 0 ($a1) # copy to thedestinationADDI $v0, $v0, 1# count the copiedwordADDI $a0, $a0, 4# the next sourcewordADDI $a1, $a1, 4# move destinationpointerBNE $v1, $zero, loop # next, if not zerovalueJR $ra # return to caller

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