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******* NameProfessor *************************** **** *** Evident ** *** Notaro’s **** ***** *** ******* ******** ** postmodernism that *** ******* ** *** ********** **** *** ** *** ********* of *********** narrative ********* ****** ***** tells *** ******* ** * ********** ******* jumping ****** ** **** *** ***** **** can be seen ** her ******** routines ***** *** ***** goes *** ** tangents ********* *** ***** stories that seem ** **** ** ********** ** each ***** ******* ******* ** ************* ** * ***** on *** ****** *** *** ********* Notaro ***** jokes ***** **** *** ***** ******** such ** ****** death and illness *** ***** **** ***** to **** with these ********* ****** *** **** ***** ***** to her ******* about ****** **** *** ******** ********** to ** ********** ******* ************* often ***** **** the ************** ** ******** ideas and ******* ****** often challenges *** ************ assumptions and ************** She **** **** ** ******* ***** topics **** are usually ********** ** ** ***** *** by ******* ******* **** ********* *** traditional narratives **** ** ***** take *** ******* There are a *** *** ******** of *** ******** ************* that are ***** mentioning: ***** *** often uses ***** and ****** ** **** *** points **** ***** **** she ** not ****** ** *** ****** ** get *** point across **** ** it ***** ****** *** ** herself ** other ******** *** ** *** ****** ** experiment with her material often ******* **** **** *** structure to create ********* that ** both original *** ********* ******* *** is ******** to ****** ********* ******** whether ** ** ****** death ** ****** ********** ** these ******** come together ** ****** ************* **** is **** ****** *** ******** **** ** *** *************** ** postmodernism ******* in Tig ******** ******** *** * focus ** the individual * ********* ** *********** ****** *** * *********** ** received ********* ******** ******** highlights *** ******** ********** ** ****** *** its impact ** *** **** rather **** looking ** *** ******* **** * **** ******** ********** *********** Additionally *** use of ***** *** **************** subverts traditional ideas ***** ****** and *** treatment By ****** fun ** ******* *** her ********* *** encourages others to ******** ******** ********* ***** *** ******* *** *** ********** ****** *** *** ************ *** ********** **** the features ** postmodernism ************* is * ******** ** *** modernist movement **** ***** ** *** **** **** ******* ********* was ****** ** a ********* ** traditional ****** **** ** religion *** ******** *** * ***** ** *** individual self just as *** Notaro *********** ************* ** * reaction ** this and is marked by * return ** traditional ****** and a ***** ** *** community ***** ******** of ************* ** *** ****** include * ********* ** ***** ********** * ***** ** *** local *** *** ********** * ********* of *********** *** * ***** ** ***** *** ******************************* *********** ****** Tig ****** The ***** ********** ***** *** ****