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Morey, W. C. (1901). Outlines of Roman history. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: American Book Company. Read Chapters 14 through 17Part 1What were the out

 Morey, W. C. (1901). Outlines of Roman history. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: American Book Company. Read Chapters 14 through 17

Part 1

What were the outcomes of the second Punic War? Minimum words is 250 and cite references in apa format.

Part 2 

Trace how Carthage became almost the equal of Rome. Be sure to show the strength of both and how this conflict led to Rome becoming a naval power.

The paper should be at least 500 words long with proper formatting and use of APA standards for citation. The paper should also include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Part 3

Briefly discuss how the governments of Rome and Carthage differed. Minimum words is 500 and cite references in apa format.

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********************** *** **** ************************************************ of *** ****** ***** ****** war between Carthage *** **** **** **** place ******* *** and 201BCE ** **** ** ****** ** *** ****** Punic *** ****** **** **** the ************* **** ***** *** leadership ** ******** ******** was regarded ** *** ** *** **** ********* *** ****** ********** ** *** other **** *** ****** **** ****** ** ****** ********* ** is ******** with beating ******** to **** *** ****** ******* (Morey ***** This ** a ***** ************ ** the rise of *** ****** ***** ******** *** war ******** *** ******** * ****** state *** impact ** *** *** *** *** **** ** ***** leading ** ******* ** ******** treaties *** ********** ********** relations *** to *** ******** in the ************** ** ******** it *** indebted ***** *** *** ******* to the payment of all ******** *** a ******* of **** ******* ** *** ******* ********* from raising ** **** ****** ******* ********** by the ***** ********** *** Roman ********** was to ******* grains and *********** *** *** lost ******** ****** ***** *** ***** government *** *** ************** of collecting ******* slavesVictory **** ******** *** ***** ********* **** ** *********** ***** ****** **** *** ***** ********** to be ********** * ***** ****** ** *** ************* ******** played ** essential role ** *** ******** ********** **** ** reformation ** ******* policies as well ** ************* of *** ********* ****** However *** defeat ** the ****** made him **** ** Syria ***** he ***** ****** **** ** the ***** **** fought *** ****** ****** ***** *** rivalry ******* ******** and **** ******** **** ***** leaving ***************** ****** ******* ******** and RomeIntroductionThe wars ******* ******** and Rome *** * *********** ******* ** *** instance ******** ****** became an ***** of Rome *** ** *** alignment in *** ********* system and *** *** ** ******* ** ********** ** *** ********** ******* *** ********* that existed the *** *********** ***** *** their strengths ** *** **** ** ***** activities ********* ******** ** * city ** within ***** Africa *** Phoenicians *** * *********** impact ** founding *** town The control ** *** western ************* *** *** **** *********** *********** ** *** ******* ******* Carthage *** Rome (Morey ***** **** ****** *** center stage ** *** wars and ********** led to **** ******** a ***** powerHow Carthage ****** ****** a *********** variety ** wars **** ******* between ******** *** **** The ***** ***** *** ** **** *** ** ******* a ********** for the ***** government They conquered ****** *** ****** ******* of *** **** ** * ****** Sicily *** ******** as the ***** province ** **** abroad ******** ******** **** ****** ******* *** **** ****** ***** ***** ******* despite ********* ******** *** ****** *********** that was done ** ******** *** *** ************* ** *** ******* empires ****** Spain *********** ******** ***** ****** ******** ** ******* *** to ******* ***** citiesThe ******** war of ******* *** a ******* ****** ** *** ************* *** ************* were ***** the **** ********** ** Hannibal He *** ** **** **** ******** ***** ***** *********** *** witnessed ******** wars **** ********* between the ****** *** ******** *** defeat ** *** ****** ** ****** ** ***** was *** ******* ***** *** **** ********** leadership ****** ** *** ******** of ******** *** whole **** *** ******* ** his ******** ** ****** * stable ********* ****** *** *** ** ******** **** ****** ********** that *** ***** ******* (Taulbee ***** *** ***** *** between *** ****** *** ******** *** *** ** **** and as * result ******** had ** **** to ******** ******* of ***** to ****** ******** *** ** *** containment ** ******** *** * *** ******* Spain and ******** Just like ************* were ******** ** ******** the ****** ******** ** ****** Africanus *** general defeated *** ************* ** Spain ****** * ****** ** ******** In the battle ** **** ****** ********* ********* **** Hannibal *** *** *** ******* ** Carthage This **** ************* ********* to **** ** ***** *** victory over ******** ******** Rome * ******** power The ******* **** ** ********* ******** **** that was ********* *** ***** ***** *** *** a ************ ** *** Carthaginians **** they were * **** city who could *** ** ***** ** the Romans ************ ***** ****** that *** ****** *** a ********** ******* **** CarthageConclusionThis ******** resulted ** **** ***** a ***** ***** ** *** ******* ** other nations ************ the ************* *** was ******* ** the ******** they *** ***** since *** ********* ** ******* *** *** took *** **** extended ******** *** ** *** ****** **** ** land and *** *** *********** ** Carthage ** the ****** ******** **** ******** *** been ********* ******* *** ******* **** Carthage surrendered ** **** **** regarded itself ** * ********** based ** *** ******* *** *********** ************************** between ******** Government and ***** ************* ********** of **** *** **** ** ******** ******** similar in structure but differed significantly ** ******** Like **** ******** had *** ******* The *** ******* **** ******** to ** suffetes **** **** the two ******* **** ******** to **** ** unison *** *** ******* mostly **** from influential families ********* ***** The ****** ********* was *** *** difference between *** two nations *** Carthage ********** *** greatly influenced by clan ******** *** ***** ********** ** that *** ********* ** Carthage ***** ***** ***** ** *** *** consul ***** ** *** ******* the *** ***** *** other remained ** ********* *** ********** ******* In **** *** ******* always *** the government together ** *** the responsibility ** the ******** ** spearhead ************ ****** *** a *** ********** ***** ** **** ******** *** its version ** *** senate through *** ******* of ****** The ******* ** ****** ********** **** ******** ******** ** *** commonly known ** *** ************* ****** ***** The ******* probably **** from *** ******** ***** in the republic ** **** the ****** was comprised ** ******* *********** *** senate *** well ******** ** *** laws and the **** of *** ***** ********** *** ******** government had an ********** element **** *** roman ********** ****** ** *** ******* *********** ****** **** *** council ** ****** ***** ******* *********** **** ******** specific ***** ** ******* *** ********** *** *********** ***** ******* such ********* ** ******* ********* sites *********** ******** and ******** ********* **** of *** ***** in *** ********** **** **** by *** ******* senate body in *** ***** ********** *** ******** *** *********** **** a *** of *********** ******** Carthage ********** ******** **** **** ** ************* *** **** of the ******* ** ******** roles *** ******** ******** *** an integral part ** ******* the ********** ** **** *** ******* **** ******** ** ***** religious ********* ********* leaders ****** interfered with *** Roman governance ******** ******** **** ******** **** **** with the ********** ** the **** *** ***** **** *** *** ** ******* ** *** Roman government *** *** ******* **** in ****** The army ******* **** switched **** ***** **** ** office ******* ****** ***** ** ******** *** ********** ** the **** *** ******** *** generals **** to **** ** power *** *** ******** ** *** warThe Roman government *** ******** and magistrates **** lacked ** *** ******** ********** *** magistrates **** elected ********* **** ********** *** financial ******* *** preserved *** **** ** *** ***** ***** ***** **** ***** ********* ** the *********** ** *** ******** ********** The ***** ********** **** *** ******** *** **** ****** in Carthage *** tribunes were elected ** *** ******** ** ****** ***** interests ** the ********** of *** *************** had *** comitia ***** resembled *** ******** ** Rome (Morey ***** The ******* *** in *** market ****** to vote on issues ********* *** city **** **** *** comitia *** composed of the **** citizens ** *** **** The ******* *** ******* **** * **** prominent **** ** *** **** ** usually *** ** ***** the officials ** *** ********** ********* *** two ********* *** comitia also voted ** *** ****** **** were ******** ** *** council *** *** suffetes This was * *********** ********** with **** ***** *** Roman ******** ******** ** the ******** ** ****** ***** interests ** *** ********* **** ** *** ******************************* * ****** *** ******** ********* of the ************ ****** ** International ********* In * ******** Global ****** (pp ****** ***************** * M ****** ******** ** *** ******* ** ********* in Tribes *********** *** ************* (pp ******** ******** ChamGoldsworthy * (2012) *** **** of ********* *** ***** **** ********* ******** UKMorey * * ****** Outlines of ***** ******** *** *** use ** **** schools and ********* ******** Book CompanyTaulbee * * ****** *********** and ********* A comparison ** the armies ** ******** *** Rome Small **** ***** ************ **** ************

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