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Mr. Tempo is a ninth-grade music teacher. He is planning on having his students each choose a composer of his/her choice and write a research paper on that composer. Mr. Tempo realizes that many stude
Mr. Tempo is a ninth-grade music teacher. He is planning on having his students each choose a composer of his/her choice and write a research paper on that composer. Mr. Tempo realizes that many students have never written a secondary level research paper before.
Based on the short scenario above, address the following questions:
- What is the writing process Mr. Tempo should use (this can be in list form)? Explain why this process will be beneficial.
- How can Mr. Tempo go about teaching this writing process to his students?
- How can Mr. Tempo incorporate student collaboration into this research project?
- What are some (at least 2) strategies Mr. Tempo can use to specifically help those students who have never written a secondary level research paper?
Submit a paper which is 3-4 pages in length, exclusive of the reference page, double-spaced using 12 point, Times New Roman font. your paper should have an introduction and conclusion. The paper must cite at least 2 outside sources and two from the ones given below in APA format. Check all content for grammar, spelling and to be sure that you have properly cited all resources (in APA format) used.
1. Benjamin, A (2005). Writing in the content areas. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.
Read pages 3-60 and 105-122 which focus on how, even if you are not an English teacher, you can teach writing in your classroom.
2. Cutler, D. (2014, July 10). To teach effective writing, model effective writing. edutopia.
- This resource provides a first-hand account of how one teacher approaches the writing process with his students.
3. Wray, D. (2005). Teaching and learning literacy: Reading and writing texts or a purpose. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.
- Read pages 115-148 which focus on strategies for supporting students in their writing endeavors.
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******* ******* ** ******** ************ ********** ***** *** NameInstructor ******* Date Writing ******* of ******** ************ Process ** ******** * The ********* way ** writing research ******* ******* first identifying *** developing topic *** ******* of ********* ***** *** ** *********** **** ** ******** *** ** necessary step ** ******* ******** paper *** ***** ******** ****** ** more ********* to ***** and ***** which student have ******** ******** *** topic ****** **** ********** ****** ** *********** The preliminary ****** ** information ******* ********* ******* ******** ******* **** meet student ****** The second **** involved ***** *********** ****** *** *********** Preliminary search is ********* ** ********* ******* ***** ** ****** information *** ***** *** your needs and ** *** *** context of **** ********* Locate materials is *** ***** **** which ** ********* ***** *********** *** *********** *********** *** ***** *** ******* *** **** ******** researching *** ********* for ******* *** topic4 *** ***** **** involves evaluating sources *** student need ** provide ******** ******** *** reliable *********** *** **** can arises when ******* **** ******** information **** ******** ******* might have less ******** and credible ************ **** **** involves ****** notes *** ******* ****** ******* resources *** **** the *********** **** ***** be ****** ** *** ****** **** 6 ******* ******* ***** *** ******* should ***** organize *** information ********* *** write *** *********** ** ***** draft by ******* ***** ** ***** ** ** ********** fashion ***** ******** * ***** ***** *** ******* **** revise *** drafts as **** **** ** ******** to ****** a ***** product ** **** ** *********** **** * involves citing ******* ******** Citing *********** ** ******* ** ** gives ****** ****** ** *** authors ** *** ******** **** *** ** allows ***** *** *** ******* to duplicate research *** ****** the ******* that **** ****** as *********** **** 8 ******** ************ *** ******* **** **** ******* **** and ***** *** *** ****** ** ******** ******* *** *********** *** ******* **** must be properly ******* ** ***** ** ******** writing process In the ******* ** ******** ******* *** to ********* research ***** ******* can ******** *********** ******