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Need an argumentative essay on Black, Blues, And Jazz: The Cumulative Effect Of The Social Milieu. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... The society where mo

Need an argumentative essay on Black, Blues, And Jazz: The Cumulative Effect Of The Social Milieu. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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The society where most of the blacks came from was more than harsh, to say the least, and people desperately wanted to escape. There were many aspects of urban Black American society that were mirrored with the experiences narrated in “Sonny’s Blues”. The examination of such parallels will give us insight into the pain experienced by these people and let us see how societies can shape an individual’s life."I ain't learning nothing in school… even when I go." A prohibitive and negative society like that described in Baldwin’s narrative is a hard place for young people to grow up in. Sonny did see the value of education but it was, not what he needed. The whole of America went into recession after World War 2 and even during the war, life, in general, was hard. The Blacks had more dignity and freedom, yes, but they were still discriminated against as reflected by their mother’s words, they were all drunk, and when they saw your father's brother they let out a great whoop and holler and they aimed the car straight at him. They were having fun, they just wanted to scare him, the way they do sometimes, you know. It was implied that making fun of other black people back then was just a white person’s past time and that it happens quite often. This injustice is plain for all to see, even the children, and they soon realize that being schooled or not does matter if you are a person of color. Going to school becomes a nuisance then because it really does not change anything....

Students are filled then with rage as well as helplessness and very soon in their lives, they wish there was some form of escape from all the abuse. Going to school becomes a nuisance then because it really does not change anything. …Her face scarred and swollen from many beatings… Violence did not only exist in the streets, and not just between the blacks and the whites. It’s also a reality inside the urban Black American home. In one scene in the story, two women were described to “address each other as sisters” because though one sings hymns while the other smokes a cigarette, both these women experience the same suffering. A lot of black women back then experienced beatings inside their own households but aside from enduring these physical pains, they also carried the emotional baggage of the whole family as illustrated by Sonny’s mother with regards to the secret of the existence and death of their guitar-wielding uncle, and the support Isabel gives her husband and his brother Sonny despite having sleepless nights as dreams of her daughter’s death haunts her. Women had respect and were strong in the society they lived in but they are equally if not more vulnerable to abuse within and outside their homes (Baldwin in O’Daniel). “…It ain't only the bad ones, nor yet the dumb ones that gets sucked under." This is the sad reality that every member of the urban black American society had to face. Early on everyone realizes, even children, that they are in a vicious cycle and only the lucky ones (if there’s any at all) escape their fate of suffering.

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