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Need an argumentative essay on Is Aborftion Moral. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.Rape is an act of sexual intercourse with a person who is unwilling. In most of the times, the rapists do n

Need an argumentative essay on Is Aborftion Moral. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Rape is an act of sexual intercourse with a person who is unwilling. In most of the times, the rapists do not use protection. As such, the rape victims are impregnated by this heinous act. At times, the rape victims do not get enough mitigation processes to avoid pregnancy (Ezell, Norwood, Stewart, Greenwood,

Waight, Bishop, and Hutchins, 2009). For example, some rape victims are afraid of seeking help from the healthcare service department. In these days, medical advancement makes it possible to use morning-after-pill to avert pregnancy. However, this is only possible with a timeline of up to 72 hours. Therefore, the victims have to bear the consequences of a crime. To many people, this is humiliating since the rape victim will have memories of an unwanted occurrence. In this aspect, it is acceptable to procure an abortion. Apparently, it is legally acceptable to abort after getting pregnant after a rape incident. Similarly, it is morally acceptable to procure an abortion in incidences like child abuse and incest.

Many people in the world have a single source of income. For example, a family that is dependent on a single-family breadwinner will be solely dependent on the sole income. However, a situation could lead to a change in the source of income. For example, after death, divorce, or separation, families will find it hard to cope with the new life. In some instances, women find they are pregnant after divorce, separation, or death of their husbands (Webster, 2009). In such a situation, they do not have a single source of income. Apparently, they do have various responsibilities to accomplish. This increases the financial impedance on the single mother. In such a situation, one may procure an abortion. This will limit any other expenses that are precedent. Consequently, it is argued that many people are focusing on the morality of abortion. However, it is noted that there are

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