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Need an argumentative essay on Management Skills in Adult Nursing. Needs to be 16 pages. Please no plagiarism.According to the discussion more specific themes on discharge planning, communication, and

Need an argumentative essay on Management Skills in Adult Nursing. Needs to be 16 pages. Please no plagiarism.

According to the discussion more specific themes on discharge planning, communication, and handover shall be incorporated into the text. The critical and analytical aspects of this discussion shall flow from the reflective process, with an evaluation of the specific actions based on standards of the practice. Description of incident The scenario under evaluation involves the discharge of Patient X, a 65 year old male patient who recently underwent hip hemiarthroplasty surgery. During the discharge planning process, there were several orders which the uathor was not sure how to implement. One of the discharge orders indicated that he needed to refer the patient to the rehabilitation ward for physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and that he needed to refer the patient to a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist, and arrange future schedules for therapy. Discharge orders also indicated that he needed to recommend an appropriate health and diet plan for the patient. Health and diet plans for elderly patients, especially those who have recently suffered hip fractures must be established because these elderly patients are prone to possible re-injury. Sometimes, where no appropriate safety measures are put in place, falls may happen again. The goal of nurses would be to prevent any re-injuries and to ensure that the patients are equipped with the right tools to manage their condition. There were two major challenges I had to overcome carrying out the discharge orders.

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