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Need an argumentative essay on Reflect on your Strengths and Weakness and the Opportunities you have to realise your full potential. 500 words. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file

Need an argumentative essay on Reflect on your Strengths and Weakness and the Opportunities you have to realise your full potential. 500 words. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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His work on organizational learning and reflective learning has drawn a lot of attention world over and has been the subject of many debates in today’s learning society. He has been described by many as the theorist of the learning society. SELF-ASSESSMENT And Motivation factor: The Portfolio I am presenting exhibits hours of self-assessment and reports. The purpose of this portfolio is to emphasize my strengths, skills and competencies. I am a committed, hardworking individual who is able to work effectively in a team. in addition I have strong communication skills and confidence. I can also demonstrate advanced problem solving skills that will help me a lot in financial advising, my drive and ambition ensure I will be a valuable addition in any company. I like to take the approach that I am my own company. I think I am proud of my skills and my ability to counteract any negatives by offering a solution in difficult situations. This means turning those negatives into positives. My time management skills and other skills like, Communications (listening, reading, speaking and writing), Career Exploration, Teamwork/Leadership is excellent and I am organized and efficient. I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. I am a learner and I belief that if I am not familiar with something I am always keen to learn and implement it if given an opportunity. I am always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I am in. I enjoy traveling to explore different working culture with new staff with different background, and I am always ready to face new kind of situation. I am always to keen to learn about different things and adventures. I want to excel to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer. Not only I want to mature with contact to the intricacies of business and cultural management tasks, but I also intend to contribute significantly in increasing the landscape of my organization. MY GOALS, Work Philosophy and My SWOT: Goal setting is important for everyone to reach their Dreams .S.M.A.R.T. goals direct to goals that are Particular, Measurable, Obtainable, Realistic and Time Framed. The kind of person I am I belief I am suitable to carry the responsibilities in the finance department of an organization. I am particular about what I have to do and how will I do, I work hard to obtain it and I am realistic about the results. I belief if I have work harder on a project and done the right job then I’ll get what I deserve or else I am open to criticism. Lastly time framed for which I am very specific, my past records shows that I prefer finishing work before the dead line which do not means I rush things but I provide the accurate and required work to on schedule or before. Psychometric tests are an effective way to measure the intellectual skills of a person according to me and thus I took those tests to evaluate where I stand in terms of my skills and capabilities. It is a widespread measure adopted by most of the organizations to test the stamina, ability and personality of the graduate. There are several kinds of questionnaire I have taken few to know evidently about myself and my skills in different kinds: According to the numerical reasoning skills test response I am an average person in dealing with numbers.

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