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Need an argumentative essay on Sorrows of Empire. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.Ironically, with the self-proclamation of the title of “Global police” the current US military and forei

Need an argumentative essay on Sorrows of Empire. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Ironically, with the self-proclamation of the title of “Global police” the current US military and foreign policy intends to keep peace prevailing on earth by the use of violence and war. The US has, as of now, 725 military bases in a whopping 120 countries. The large number military actions that the US has initiated in the last 50 years including invasion and taking control of other countries show that US is perpetually looking for an opportunity to exercise their military power. Its as if, they have decided to keep the forces in combat. The United States military has been losing people from the service due to these wars in more ways than the obvious. Apart from the death and serious injuries during direct action, there are accidents, illnesses due to exposure, the resignations at the trainee levels and retirements. In order to compensate for the depletion of soldiers, in the recent past they have embarked on a mission to enlist large number of youth into service. Out of the $ 400 billion a year that the US government spends annually to run their military establishment, a considerable part goes into “recruitment expenses” - spending in various ways to allure the prospective candidates to enroll by creating an utterly false impression of a wonderful life socially, mentally and monetarily. This paper takes a look at how unfair these new and “innovative” ways that the military attracts the youth to enlist in the forces, are

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