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Need an argumentative essay on Why the Elmhurst Cafeteria Should Extend Their Hours of Operation. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... For many reasons rela

Need an argumentative essay on Why the Elmhurst Cafeteria Should Extend Their Hours of Operation. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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For many reasons related to this inefficient combination of order and disorder, it would be of tremendous benefit to the health of students if Elmhurst cafeteria were required to extend their hours of operation.

College, of course, is the final destination on the journey meant to take humans from childhood to adulthood and it is certainly not coincidental that with each progression upward through the educational system the students are rewarded with more leniency in terms of structure. As students progress from elementary school to high school and then into college, they are granted more freedom in terms of which subjects they can study and when they are allowed to take those classes. But one thing that seems to change very little if at all is the opportunity to eat. While the lunch time may be far more structured during the lower levels of the education system, there is still a reliance upon that structure even into college. Students are still expected to congregate at the institutionalized times for breakfast, lunch and dinner. post-dinner food choicers are virtually ignored.

Unfortunately, college study habits don't conform to that old-fashioned structure.

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