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Need an research paper on stopping the trade embargo on cuba. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on stopping the trade embargo on cuba. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. An instant response to the communist revolution in Cuba in 1959 when the capitalist Batista regime was overthrown by Fidel Castro’s communist system. The event damaged the trade relationship between Cuba and the U.S. and became the onset of the trade between Cuba and the Soviet Union. The trade relationship was further tested when in 1960 Cuba had a large shipment of crude oil from the Soviet Union in exchange for sugar and the U.S. commanded the country to refuse to refine the crude oil on the basis of the U.S. refineries and other businesses within Cuba. Cuba’s response then was the confiscation and nationalization of the refineries that prohibited the processing of the oil. Through the year 1960, the two countries took turns in worsening the trade relationship that they once had. The process led to the legislation that indicated a reduction of sugar quota in Cuba. The embargo on Cuba is still a problem until now since additional laws and sanctions had been made by the U.S. government (Williams 457-8).

The embargo is evidence of the capacity of the United States to impose economic restrictions to other countries through commercial and trade embargoes on the basis of national security threat (Williams 456). From the action imposed by President Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy declared the formal economic embargo which ceased trade with Cuba under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 (TWEA) (Gootnick 19, Williams 458). Based on the TWEA, the President has the power to impose embargoes on the basis of national emergencies such as war but the necessity of the embargo was expressed by President Kennedy as a threat in national security due to the relationship of Cuba with the Soviet Union and the contradiction of Cuban action on the objectives of the Inter-American system. This became the onset of the longest embargo in history (William 458). There are subsequent policies that supported and strengthened the embargo in Cuba.&nbsp.

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