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Need an research paper on what are the keys to success in bsn programs. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on what are the keys to success in bsn programs. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism. By developing a three -part twenty-nine item questionnaire,the research question was well applied.Questions were classified in three parts a move aimed at exhausting any important research material.Under this heading the research was well conducted,it clearly explains the cost incurred in the treatment an prevention of pressure ulcers in the general health care . This in itself has been the biggest problem affecting mankind in his effort to curb the disease particularly to the big number of people who cannot cater for their medical expenses, it gives the estimated reported incidences of the diseases in older people which range from three to seventeen percent.It further points out that pressure ulcers has led to a significant morbidity rate, mortality rate and increased health care costs. However the research fails to mention the causative agent of pressure ulcer and only dwells on the prevention measures.The purpose of the research is clearly stated as to assess the quality of disease prediction in home health care. This is done by looking into process and procedure used to assess pressure ulcer risk upon admission to home care, frequency with proper timing f risk reassessment and the various interventions used by home health care agencies to prevent pressure ulcer development.By developing a three -part twenty nine item questionnaire, the research question was well applied. Questions were classified in three parts a move aimed at exhausting any important research material. With part one carrying questions with items related to agency size and respondent, part two covering questions on admission on risk appraisal processes and procedures and lastly, part three covering questions on prevention policies and prevention interventions it comes out clearly that the research question heading was well applied. Both provision of fixed responses and open-ended response options were well applied a thing that produced better results.


The researcher had a well laid outline where the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) published clinical practice guidelines on pressure ulcer prediction and prevention. The contents of the guidelines were specified with practice recommendations for identifying those people at risk, maintaining and improving tissue tolerance to pressure, protecting against pressure friction and also the use of education to reduce pressure ulcer occurrence.

However there are no known study that has used process of care indicators to examine the quality of pressure ulcer prediction and prevention in home health care.


The appraisal was well formulated where health care is evaluated through process of care and outcome indicators. It takes a wider review on the whole efforts undertaken in the prevention of pressure ulcers. (Bergquist, 2004) The two processes above have been developed through literature review, review of clinical guidelines, interviews conducted by experts and through organized panel discussion.


The research was consistently undertaken with no changeable techniques, we can therefore say that variables were not applied by the researcher in his work.


A well planned approach was applied where indicators relevant to the care of vulnerable elderly patients were generated in Assessing Care Of Vulnerable Elders (ACOVE) project. (Bergquist, 2004). The indicators were used in eight homes for the study of pressure ulcer prevention and prediction.


The research data was well collected from both the rural and urban setup. To assure quality of collected data questions were first sent to two experts who specialized in pressure ulcer and three home health care agencies. this was for the verifications of content and the relevance of questions for the health care agency.

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