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Need help with my writing homework on The Main Aspects of the Special Education. Write a 1750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Main Aspects of the Special Education. Write a 1750 word paper answering; In the United States, children with a disability receive protection by federal laws, which make sure that they are admitted to appropriate public schools free of charge.

Under the federal laws, among other laws that protect the children with a disability, the two most vital laws are. section 504 and individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA). Section 504 deals with the rehabilitation act of 1973, which is a law on civil rights. This law prohibits any program and activities, be it, private or public that get the federal funds from any discrimination towards the children with disabilities. This law covers every public school district. Section 504 recognizes disability as any mental or physical hardship, which essentially affects either one or many primary life activities, may be known to possess that limitation, or possess a record of the said limitation. The other law of individuals with disabilities education act, which calls for early assistance services for preschoolers and infants who have various disabilities. This law has been amended a number of times with the recent amendment being in the year 2004 by congress.

In determining the eligibility of the students to be the candidates, the students involved should fall into one of the 13 categories. This category includes the disability in learning. autism, intellectual impairment, the disability of behavior, developmental disability, disability in language and speech, visual and hearing impairment, brain trauma, and multiple disabilities among others. Parent with children with a disability is supposed to be actively involved in advocating for their children. The parents’ role as far as their children’s education is concerned is extremely vital. as such, they should be adequately informed on their children’s rights and the whole process of exceptional education. The parents have the right to be actively involved in the decision made by the school concerning the welfare of their children.&nbsp.

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