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No other sources outside of the videos in the attached file can be used: In the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement, much of the focus centered on the inclusion and the integration of African Amer

No other sources outside of the videos in the attached file can be used:

In the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement, much of the focus centered on the inclusion and the integration of African Americans.  However, around 1964, we can see that there is a shift happening in the movement, perhaps a shift in philosophy and in strategy. In this Reaction Paper, in 5-7 pages I would like this paper to try to answer the following:

·      Based on your viewing of the films in class (using ‘Eyes on the Prize’ season 2, episode 3 as your end point), where do you believe this shift initiates?

·      What particular leaders and organizations led this shift?

·      Why did they believe the shift was necessary?

·      How did the federal government’s response differ than from earlier in the movement?  

In the second part of your paper, I would like you to reflect and write about the influence of Malcolm X on the Civil Rights Movement. 

·      What are your thoughts on Malcolm X?

o   What role did Malcolm X’s upbringing play in his life?

o   What do you think of his leadership style and philosophy?

o   What drew so many Black people to Malcolm X?

o   DO you believe Malcolm X played any role in the Civil Rights shift mentioned above?

o   Do you think Malcolm X has been largely misunderstood? If so, how?

Please make sure to cite ALLyour sources.  This paper should be written in TIMES NEW ROMAN STYLE, 12PT FONT, and it should be DOUBLE-SPACED!

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