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Have you ever listened to an argument and wondered why the people in the debate were so passionate about their positions? Or have you ever wondered why more people don’t try to better understand their opponents in a debate?

In Module 2 you began to explore the idea that there are many sides, or perspectives, in a debate. In creating your literature review, you looked closely at the perspectives you found on your chosen topic. In Discussion 1 you looked carefully at the main issues involved with your topic. Now it is time to synthesize all the information you have found so you can construct an objective analysis of this topic. This is your opportunity to show your audience the complexity and depth of your topic, to encourage them to look beyond the simple “pro-con” positions.

In this assignment, you will conduct a stakeholder analysis on your topic. What is a stakeholder? Anyone with a real interest in your issue, anyone with something of value to gain or lose, is considered a stakeholder. These are the people who have material, social, cultural, or emotional interests at stake within your topic. These are likely to be the voices or perspectives you have been researching in the past few discussions and assignments. You will analyze the topic and the various stakeholders, or perspectives, from an objective viewpoint.

You should spend approximately 10 hours on this assignment.


  1. Research: You have done much of the research for this assignment already! Consult the sources you compiled during your literature review and the information you reported in your PowerPoint presentation. Look over your notes from your expert interview. Decide whether you have enough information (and the best information) to create a comprehensive analysis of this topic. Decide if you have found information to answer all of your questions. If not, remember that research is recursive, and continue searching for, evaluating, and annotating sources until you feel you have a thorough understanding of the topic.
  2. Pre-Write: Who are your stakeholders? Identify at least four specific stakeholders or stakeholder groups. What are their values? Why do they think this issue is important? What do they have to gain or lose? What is their goal regarding your topic? How are their positions similar or different from one another? Look at this topic from their various perspectives and examine what these voices have to say.
  3. Write: Write an essay where you carefully and thoughtfully analyze this topic through the viewpoints of the stakeholders involved.
  4. You should use 5-7 sources for this essay. Your essay should contain 4-5 quotations from your sources, and should paraphrase other main ideas. Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations appropriately and responsibly.
  5. Your essay should be approximately 1,000-1,100 words.
  6. Please be sure to correctly format your essay in MLA Style and create an MLA Works Cited page
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******* ******************** ********* labor StakeholdersThe ****** *********** ** national laws as well ** ********** ** ********** ***** ***** ** the entire world *** **** determined ** the ******** ****** ** *** ********** ******** **** ************** **** CSR ********** *** ******* rules *** **** ** * ******* **** *** *** ********** of children's rights **** national ***** ******* are not ******** ** ** there ** ********** enforcement ** *** topic of ***** ***** *** company self-regulating *** ************* occurred via firm ***** of ******* as well ** social ******** The stakeholders ******* in **** ***** ******** ********* *********** **** ******* *** teachersGovernments: ********** *** ****** ********** of Accepting **** *** ********** International Program ** *** *********** ** Child ***** ****** support ** *********** ** * ****** ************** strategy ***** the ******** program ** ** the ******* with a **** ********* ********** IPEC activities ******** *** targeted ******** ** ******** ***** *********** or *********** ********** ***** ****** ******* ********* ********** *** ******** defense ********** *** cover particular ********** ********** ** topographical ****** **** **** ******* which can ******** **** from ********** workplaces *** ** **** *** **** *** **** of **** child labor free *** **** sure **** **** ******* **** **** *** their ******** have ******** development ******** **** ********* of IPEC's ****** is the ****** ** ***** it *** ********* a ******* ** ****** ** *** ******** *** work ** governments local *********** and the ************* ********************* ********** ****************** ******** **** ***** ***** **** * ********* duty ** act ** *** fight ******* ***** labor *** ******** *** **** technique for ********** ********** ** ********** is ** follow ******** to regional **** ** **** ** *** regulations that ******** ********** ** which children *** ** employed ** a ***** ***** ********** of **** ** *** ********** **** **** ** **** **** children *** *** ******** ** *** risky ********* ** ********* *** ** **** **** ***** class ********** ** not ************** ********** can ********* **** *** ********** ** **** ** ********** to the International ************ ** Employers ***** ** the **** *** the ***** ******* ******* determined ** act ************* ******* ** ***** **** ***** ***** ** ***** all ********* globally ** ******** ********* of the human ****** and ******** costs ** ***** labor *** ** **** ** **** ****** ***** to put its ***** into ******** *** Organization ***** * **** ****** ** slave-like *** ****** ***** of ***** ***** *** to *** kids ** ****** ******** *** discovers **** *** ***** cannot be ****** *** just **** ***** ** ******** kids out of **** **** ** providence of ******** ***** ** ********** ** them as **** ** ***** family ******* ********* *** ********* ** ***** ************ and ******* which they ******* ** ***** ****************** therefore their ********* ******** deals **** the ******** ** *** ********* **** ** ******* ******* ********** ****** **** *********** ** optional employment chances *** the training ** ****** ****** *** ******** ** ********* ** signified ** *** ********* plan of **** ***** considers **** as **** as ***** ***** ** *********** ******* ** the *********** ***** ******** national **************** **** *** sponsored a total of 117 ***** amalgamation **** against ***** labor lately in South **** **** ****** Europe South **** *** ***** America *** **** **** ********* ** *** ********* titles:Research *** *********** ******** ** a ************* *** ***** ******* ***** ***** IPEC *** ****** ******* **** ***** ** *** ************* ******** *** “IPEC has ************ **** trade ************ *** now controlled ** **** ******** in ***** ***** ******* child labor” (McLean ******** ** ***** the ******** ******** *** ** be ***** **** *** IPEC groups’ ******* that has taken over the ***** to ***** ******** child ***** ******** *** ******** ** ***** ************* ******* to ******* ******** – **** ****** **** have solved *** situation ** ******* ****** of **** **** **** succeeded ** removing ******** **** ***** labor ***** others ******* ********* *** others have ******** the ********** ** workCampaigning *** ****** ****** and ********** ********** – “the ************** ** policy is *** ******** ********* *** **** sponsored union programs” ("ILO-IPEC Jakarta")Lessons *** The ********** of **** partnering **** trade ****** *** *** ***** valued ******* *********** regarding *** *** to **** is organized *** ***** ********** have ************ **** ******** ** the ILO *** *** field headquartersNGOs: ** *** **** ** concentrating on ***** ********** ******* ************* ******** ** ********* a ***** scope ** ****************** associations (NGOs) *** ******* *** ***** **** *********** with ******** *** ********** ******** players in the IPEC multisector ******** ********* governments ********* *** ********* associations *** ************ society ** *** ******** ** youngster ***** Many ***** **** ****** Programs straightforwardly ******* **** ** ** ******* **** ***** ** **** **************** ***** against ***** Labor: ******* ******** funding ** *** of *** **************** in *** fight ******* ***** ****** the ****** ******** *** *********** ** ********* *** **** backer for ******** and ***** ** *** ********** ** *** ** *** ***** Forms ** ***** Labor and *** exhibited **** ********** *** be ********** *********** *** *************** ************ *** **** central ** the **** of **** ***** *** ******** and ** ************ ** ********** *** ************ ******** ** ******* ***** ***** ****** ******** **** ********* **** provide *** ***** ************** *** ****** ************* *** ***** ************ *** **** *** their *********** ********* ******* has ********* *** ************ instruction *** been ** the abrogation ** *** ***** ******** ** a ******** ********* *** ********* *********** dependent ** ********* ** ****** ********* *** ** ********* *** Education *** *** ******** **** ******* to *** fair work ******* as intends ** ****** youngster ***** as **** as * *********** aspect ** *** work ** ****** professional *** ********* ********* to ******* *** ****** ** educators *** ** ******** their ****** and *** ********** ** ***** ************ ******* **** ********* specialized ************* and approach ******** **** ******* ** ****** ****** *********** arrangements ***** ******** ********** keep ********** from being ***** rashly **** labor and are increasingly ********* ** the ************ of **** ********** from ****** ************* *** ***** ************ are ************ ********** *** ** help ********* ********* ***** ********** ** *** ******* ** mindfulness ******* *** ******** ** ******** *** laborers *** ** danger **** *** school-based ****** **** ********* ****** care ** ** ********* programs In recent ***** there *** been * critical increment in the ******** ** IPEC-bolstered ******** ******** ********** ** ***** ********************************* **** * *** **** ********** ***** of ***** ****** ** ********** *** ******** ****** ********* ************* Jakarta"FisipkuTripodCom 2020 *************************************** ******** ** Feb **** ********* ************* **** ************************************************* ******** ** *** ********** **** N ** ** ********* ******** *** ******** ************ **** ******* in ***** ******** ******************** ** ********** Human Resources143 ******* *********

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