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One (1) .sql file with SQL script that executes the requirements noted below.

1. One (1) .sql file with SQL script that executes the requirements noted below.

2. The Word document that contains the translation of the requirement to the SELECT statement that executes the requirements noted below

1. Use the schoolscheduledb database schema 2. Copy this assignment into a Word Document and provide the Translation, Cleanup, and SQL that accomplishes the following requirements:

- a. "The chair of the department has requested a current list of faculty staff and the subject each teaches". Make sure it looks exactly like the example output (at the back of this assignment). Hint: The solution requires a JOIN of more than two tables, 110 rows returned, and the following table relationships considered:

4. Apply the SELECT statements to the MySQL Workbench to accomplish the requests noted.

5. Outputs for each requirement (request) are shown below. 

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