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Option #1: Lightweight and Heavyweight Product Managers Paper Briefly describe heavyweight product managers and lightweight product managers. Address the following: Compare and contrast these two type

Option #1: Lightweight and Heavyweight Product Managers Paper

Briefly describe heavyweight product managers and lightweight product managers. Address the following:

  • Compare and contrast these two types of managers, including their roles and authority.
  • What types of new product development lend themselves well to heavyweight product teams? List two products currently on the market that would benefit from heavyweight teams. Defend your choice for these products being developed by heavyweight product teams.
  • What types of new product development lend themselves well to lightweight product teams? List two products currently on the market that would benefit from lightweight teams. Defend your choice for these products being developed by lightweight product teams.


  • Write a four- to six-page paper.
  • Include a title and a reference page.
  • At least four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed references that provide information and guidance for your assignment. The CSU-Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find these sources.
  • Outside sources include academic and research other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials.
  • Follow the formatting outlined in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).
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*** term product ********** ****** to * set ** ********** **** **** *** ********** ** a ******* ******* *** ************** * product ********* ******* ********* are ** ****** * vision *** the product develop *** roadmap communicate *** product ** stakeholders and ******* *** ******** *** *** ******* The ***** **** ******* *** contrast *** heavy ****** *** *********** ******* managers ******** ** ***** ***** and **************** *** discuss the ***** ** product development and ******* ** ******** ********** *********** *** *********** ******* ********

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