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To complete this assignment you will:
- Open the County Research Download County Researchdocument.
- Review the directions to gain an understanding of what you are researching.
- Review the County Government Structure in Florida Guide to better understand the government structure of the specific county in which you reside.
- Research your county by visiting your county website. You will also need to visit specific pages for your county's constitutional officers, including their official webpage as well as other websites, to gain an understanding of who they are and the role in which they serve.
- Complete the County Research document by typing your responses directly into the file before saving and submitting it for grading. Be sure to include the sources that are utilized to respond to each prompt.
- Save and submit for grading.
- @
- 6033 orders completed
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*** *** **** to download *********************************************************************************************** ***************** ********************* County **************** ** Osceola ****** ***************** ****** ******** under a Charter ****** system ******** ** ************** powers ****** the ****** *** ** the ***** ************ and laws *** ****** ********** operates ** * ****************** ****** **** * five-member County Commission acting ** the *********** **** ** charge of *********** *** ********* ******** ** manage *** county's ***** operations *** County ********** appoints a County ******* ****** * ****** *** ****** manager *** ********* ********** ** public ************** *** County ******** ***** ******** provides ***** ******** *** representation ** the ****** ********** ***** *** ****** Manager ******* *********** *** ****** ** ********* *** ****** *** operations and implement *** ****** ************ ********** *** *********** interesting ****** ** ******* ****** ** ***** ********** ** ******** *************** *** ****** *** launched initiatives **** NeoCity * ********* ********** campus ***** at attracting ********* **** *** ********* innovation **** ****** ************ *** ******** proactive ******** in ********* *** ***** ******* ****** *** *********** tourism industry and ******** ************* *** high-tech ********** *** researchConstitutional Officers ** ******* CountyClerk ** *** ****** ******* RamirezArmando ******* serves as *** Clerk of the Court in Osceola ****** With *** ********* ** ***** ************** ** ******** *** ********** and maintenance ** official ***** ******* ******** licenses and other ****** ******* One ** *** main ******* ** *** *** ** ** **** sure **** ***** *********** ** *********** *** ****** ********** ** ******* ****** ****** The ***** of *** ***** is * ***** ********* ** the ***** ****** *** ****** the general public ********* **************** ********** ******* ****************** ******** ******** ********* ** Katrina *********** She is ** ****** ** ************ *** ***** ** ********** ****** *** county for tax assessment ******** *** *** ********** ** ******** ********* and assessment She ***** a ******** **** ** ****** **** that ******** assessments *** ******* *** equitable ** ***** *********** *** a ***** factor ** ******* ******** taxes *** ********** *** ******** ******* ****** *** office of *** property appraiser ** ******* ** ********** ******** *** ******* in *** ********** ** **** ************** Marcos ************ County's ******* is ****** ***** ** ******** *** ********* ****** ** ********** ****** ****** upholding the *** and defending *** ************ ****** ** *** ********* law enforcement experience ******* ***** ****** ********** ************ with ***** *** enforcement ******** ******** *** ********* and ******* ********** crime ********** ***** into action *** safety and wellbeing of *** ******** ** Osceola County are his *** ********** ** *********** ***** *** ***** *** ******* ********* ***** the ********* ****** ** *************** ServicesOsceola County ******** * **** range ** services ******* *** various ******** departments and divisions ***** ******** **** ******** ** ***** *** ***** of *** ********* and enhance *** ******* ******* ** life ** *** ****** **** *** three ******** ** agencies/departments/divisions *** the ******** **** ************** ** Management ***** Budget:The planning ******** *** implementation of ******* **** ****** *** ******* of *** ****** of ********** ***** Budget They ****** ********* plans **** ensuring ***** ** **** *********** *** ******* ****** ******** *** ******** *** ******* the ****** ************ ** ****** resources Maintaining ********* ******** *** ********* the ********** ** ****** ********* *** ***** *** ********** ********* planning *** financial ********** are ******* ********* of **** ******************* ************** terms ** ****** **** building ******* and **** use planning *** Community Development ******** is quite ********* By ****** **** account *** requirements ** *** ***** ********* ************* sustainability *** economic ********* **** **** ** ******* *********** growth and *********** ****** *** ****** ** * ****** of their ******* ******* ******** ******** landscape ** ***** ****** *** *********** ** being coordinated **** *** ******** ********* goals ** *********** **** use and *********** orderly *** *********** ****** *** division ** ************* ********* ******** ************** ** kept ** ** **** *** ******** ** *** ****** ***** department **** ******* *********** projects stormwater ********** *** *** ****** and ******** ** ***** as **** of *** transportation ******** ***** efforts *** ************ ** boosting ********** *********** secure and ********* transportation and ******* inhabitants' ******** ** ****** ** ******* The ********** ** ******* ** ********** and ********* the county's ************** which ** necessary *** *** *********** ******** *** ******************* CitedJewett ****** ******* government structure in Florida"Florida *********** ** ******** ***** ******* ****** government ************ *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************