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Pilot Survey ResultsThis week you will analyze the results of your pilot study through item analysis. Your interpretation of results will include a description of the type(s) of item analysis used, an

Pilot Survey Results

This week you will analyze the results of your pilot study through item analysis. Your interpretation of results will include a description of the type(s) of item analysis used, any evidence of bias, and a discussion of how you would revise your questionnaire.

Building on Week 7 Project (attached), do the following:

  • Analyze the pilot survey results and submit the final data values.
  • Write an interpretation of the results discussing the type(s) of item analysis used to assess the properties of your test items.
  • Note any evidence of intrinsic or extrinsic bias or any other questions about the validity of the test.
  • How would you revise your questionnaire to boost its psychometric properties?

Submission Details:

  • Present your assignment in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document.
  • Attach a Report.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.
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Granton Munyao
Granton Munyao
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