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Please answer each question with at least 250 words a citation in each paragraph and 2-3 references. 1. In the scenario presented in the first discussion question of Topic 2, a researcher is intereste
Please answer each question with at least 250 words a citation in each paragraph and 2-3 references.
1. In the scenario presented in the first discussion question of Topic 2, a researcher is interested in exploring the experiences of international students who have recently arrived in the United States to attend college. Using the phenomenon you identified in that discussion, create and provide two potential research questions that the researcher could explore in this study. How might these questions help the researcher gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon? What feasibility considerations should the researcher keep in mind when planning this study? What other considerations do you have for designing a qualitative study on this phenomena? Justify your response with scholarly citations.
2. In the scenario presented in the second discussion question in Topic 2, an educational researcher is interested in examining at least two variables and student motivation in a high school mathematics classroom. Using the you two additional variables you identified, create and provide two potential research questions that the researcher could investigate in this study. How might these questions help the researcher investigate what needs to be known about the variables? What feasibility considerations should the researcher keep in mind when planning this study? What other considerations do you have for designing a quantitative study with these variables? Explain.
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