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Please answer the following questions in an APA formatted Essay (1500 words minimum) NOTE: I am currently an RA 1. Share one of your strengths (Patience) and one of your weaknesses (Perfectionist) as

Please answer the following questions in an APA formatted Essay (1500 words minimum) NOTE: I am currently an RA 

1. Share one of your strengths (Patience) and one of your weaknesses (Perfectionist) as a leader. How can you use your weakness (Perfectionist) to your best ability to accomplish a goal or task?

2. What is your understanding of the Resident Assistant position and why are you interested in being a Resident Assistant? Please highlight the skills that make you a well-qualified candidate.

3. What are some aspects of the Resident Assistant position that you look forward to and what are some aspects that you may find challenging?

4. What do you see as the needs of the residents and what would you do as a Resident Assistant to meet those needs?

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