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Please help I am not asking you to create the java code i already have created my java code but just need help finishing some minor details I Need

Please help I am not asking you to create the java code i already have created my java code but just need help finishing some minor details I Need help outputting the entire output to a file called csis.txt as i am having trouble sending the output using a PrintWriter and have some issues with my method that list the employees by alphabetical order. Below are the instructions for your convenience and my java code. thanks in advance.

// Text files

Payfile.txt30.00F 9 W 925.004.7518.75M 5 W 250.00F 9 W 325.007.5012.505.40F 3 W 1000.00F 8 W 150.006.75F 0 W 425.00M 0 W 725.00FM

// Driver Class

import java.io.*;import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Driver {private String emp;  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("csis.txt");Payroll pr = new Payroll();

pr.getEmployees();pr.employeeTable();pr.numEmployees();pr.women();pr.experienced();pr.raise();pr.alphaOrder();pr.hireEmployees();pr.fireEmployees();  System.out.println(" ");System.out.println("This is the employee payroll.");pw.println("This is the employee payroll.");String msg = " FirstName " + " LastName " + " Gender " + " Tenure " +" PayRate " + " Salary ";System.out.println( msg );pw.println( msg );Scanner fileScan = new Scanner(new File("payfile.txt"));  while (fileScan.hasNext()){String buf = fileScan.nextLine();System.out.println(buf);pw.println(buf);}pw.close();}}

// Employee Class

import java.lang.*;import java.io.*;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.PrintWriter;import java.util.Scanner;

public class Employee implements Comparable {Comparable cp;private PrintWriter pw;public String firstName;public String lastName;public String gender;public int tenure;public String rate;public double salary;  public Employee (PrintWriter pw){this.pw = pw;}  //Constructor for objects of class Employeepublic Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String gender, int tenure, String rate, double salary){//Initialize instance variablesthis.firstName = firstName;this.lastName = lastName;this.gender = gender;this.tenure = tenure;this.rate = rate;this.salary = salary;}  public Employee(String firstName, String lastName,String gender){this.firstName = firstName;this.lastName = lastName;this.gender = gender;}  public Employee(String firstName, String lastName){this.firstName = firstName;this.lastName = lastName;}  public String getLastName(){return lastName;}  public int compareTo(Object o){Employee e = (Employee) o;return lastName.compareTo(e.getLastName());}}

// Payroll class

import java.io.*;import java.util.Scanner;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.PrintWriter;

public class Payroll {ObjectList employeeList;private PrintWriter pw;  public Payroll (PrintWriter pw){this.pw = pw;}

public Payroll(){employeeList = new ObjectList();}

public void getEmployees() throws IOException// getEmployees() adds employee to payroll.{

Scanner readEmployees = new Scanner(new File("payfile.txt"));String [] employeeInfo;String line;String firstName;String lastName;String gender;int tenure;String rate;double salary;while(readEmployees.hasNext()){line = readEmployees.nextLine();employeeInfo = line.split("[ ]+");firstName = employeeInfo[0];lastName = employeeInfo[1];gender = employeeInfo[2];tenure = Integer.parseInt(employeeInfo[3]);rate = employeeInfo[4];salary = Double.parseDouble(employeeInfo[5]);employeeList.addLast(new Employee(firstName,lastName,gender,tenure,rate,salary));}}  public void employeeTable(){Employee node;ObjectListNode p = employeeList.getFirstNode();//print headerSystem.out.println("Name Gender Tenure Rate Salary");//pw.println("Name Gender Tenure Rate Salary");//print each employeewhile (p != null) {node = (Employee)p.getInfo();System.out.printf("%s %stt%stt%dtt%stt%.2fn",node.firstName,node.lastName,node.gender,node.tenure,node.rate,node.salary);p = p.getNext();}  System.out.println();//for a space in output}

public void numEmployees(){System.out.println("Number of Employees in Company: "+ employeeList.size()+ "n");}

public void women(){Employee employee;ObjectListNode p = employeeList.getFirstNode();String gender;

System.out.println("Women on payroll: ");while (p != null) {employee = (Employee)p.getInfo();gender = employee.gender;if(gender.equals("F")){System.out.println(employee.firstName);}p = p.getNext();}System.out.println();}

public void experienced(){final int WEEKS_IN_YEAR = 52;Employee employee;ObjectListNode p = employeeList.getFirstNode();double yearlySal; //how much money that employee makes a year

while (p != null) {employee = (Employee)p.getInfo();if((employee.rate).equals("W")){yearlySal = (employee.salary)*WEEKS_IN_YEAR;if(yearlySal>35000 && employee.tenure >= 5 ){System.out.println("Weekly employees who make more than $35,000 and with the company for 5 years.");System.out.println(employee.firstName+" "+employee.lastName);}}p = p.getNext();}System.out.println();}

public void raise(){Employee employee;ObjectListNode p = employeeList.getFirstNode();String rate;double oldSalary;//headingsSystem.out.println("Employees who recieved a raise: ");System.out.println("NametttNew Salary");

while (p != null) {employee = (Employee)p.getInfo();rate = employee.rate;oldSalary = employee.salary;//salary at the startif(rate.equals("H")){if(oldSalary < 10.00){employee.salary+= .75;}}else {//if rate is weeklyif(oldSalary < 350.00){employee.salary+= 50.00;

}}if(oldSalary < employee.salary)// if recieved a raiseSystem.out.printf("%s %stt%.2fn",employee.firstName,employee.lastName,employee.salary);p = p.getNext();}System.out.println(); //add space in output}

public void alphaOrder(){ObjectList newList = new ObjectList();//the ordered listObject object;ObjectListNode p = new ObjectListNode();Employee employee;while (employeeList.getFirstNode()!= null){object = employeeList.removeFirst();newList.insert(object);}employeeList = newList;p = employeeList.getFirstNode();System.out.println("Employees in alphabetical order by last name and their salaries.");// print the employeeswhile(p!= null){  employee = (Employee)p.getInfo();System.out.printf("%s %st%.2fn",employee.firstName,employee.lastName,employee.salary);p = p.getNext();}System.out.println();}

public void hireEmployees() throws IOException{Scanner newEmployees = new Scanner(new File("hirefile.txt"));//read new employeesObjectListNode p;Employee employee;String [] employeeInfo;String line;String firstName;String lastName;String gender;int tenure;String rate;double salary;

while(newEmployees.hasNext()){line = newEmployees.nextLine();employeeInfo = line.split("[ ]+");firstName = employeeInfo[0];lastName = employeeInfo[1];gender = employeeInfo[2];tenure = Integer.parseInt(employeeInfo[3]);rate = employeeInfo[4];salary = Double.parseDouble(employeeInfo[5]);employeeList.insert((Object)new Employee(firstName,lastName,gender,tenure,rate,salary));}

p = employeeList.getFirstNode();System.out.println("List afer certain employees were hired.");while(p!= null){employee = (Employee) p.getInfo();System.out.println(employee.firstName +" "+ employee.lastName);p = p.getNext();}System.out.println();}

public void fireEmployees() throws IOException{Scanner toFire = new Scanner(new File("firefile.txt"));//read new employeesString [ ] employeeInfo;ObjectListNode p;Employee employee;String line;String firstName;String lastName;//String gender;int tenure;String rate;double salary;System.out.println("List after certain employees were fired.");while(toFire.hasNext()){line = toFire.nextLine();employeeInfo = line.split("[ ]+");firstName = employeeInfo[0];lastName = employeeInfo[1];//gender = employeeInfo[2];employeeList.remove((Object)new Employee(firstName,lastName));//gender));}

p = employeeList.getFirstNode();while(p!=null){employee = (Employee)p.getInfo();System.out.println(employee.firstName +" "+ employee.lastName);p = p.getNext();}System.out.println();}}

// ObjectList Class

public class ObjectList {private ObjectListNode list;private ObjectListNode last;// Constructs an empty listpublic ObjectList()  {list = null;last = null;}// Returns the first node in the listpublic ObjectListNode getFirstNode(){return list;}// Returns the last node in the listpublic ObjectListNode getLastNode(){return last;}// Returns the first element in the listpublic Object getFirst(){if (list == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: getFirst()");System.exit(1);}return list.getInfo();}// Returns the last element in the listpublic Object getLast(){if (list == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: getLast()");System.exit(1);}return last.getInfo();}// Adds an item to the front of a listpublic void addFirst(Object o){ObjectListNode p = new ObjectListNode(o, list);if (list == null)last = p;list = p;}

// Adds a node to the front of the listpublic void addFirst(ObjectListNode p){if (p == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: addFirst()");System.exit(1);}p.setNext(list);if (list == null)last = p;list = p;}// Adds an item to the end of the listpublic void addLast(Object o){ObjectListNode p = new ObjectListNode(o);if (list == null)list = p;elselast.setNext(p);last = p;}// Adds a node to the end of the listpublic void addLast(ObjectListNode p){if (p == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: addLast()");System.exit(1);}p.setNext(null);if (list == null)list = p;elselast.setNext(p);last = p;}// Removes the first item from the listpublic Object removeFirst(){if (list == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: removeFirst()");System.exit(1);}ObjectListNode p = list;list = p.getNext();if (list == null)last = null;return p.getInfo();}

// Removes the last item from the listpublic Object removeLast(){if (list == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: removeLast()");System.exit(1);}ObjectListNode p = list;ObjectListNode q = null;while (p.getNext() != null){q = p;p = p.getNext();}if (q == null){list = null;last = null;}else{q.setNext(null);last = q;}return p.getInfo();}// Inserts a node after the node referenced by ppublic void insertAfter(ObjectListNode p, Object o){if (list == null || p == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: insertAfter()");System.exit(1);}ObjectListNode q = new ObjectListNode(o, p.getNext());p.setNext(q);if (q.getNext() == null)last = q;}// Inserts a node after the node referenced by ppublic void insertAfter(ObjectListNode p, ObjectListNode q){if (list == null || p == null || q == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: insertAfter()");System.exit(1);}q.setNext(p.getNext());p.setNext(q);if (last.getNext() != null)last = q;}

// Deletes the node after the node referenced by ppublic Object deleteAfter(ObjectListNode p){if (list == null || p == null || p.getNext() == null){System.out.println("Runtime Error: deleteAfter()");System.exit(1);}ObjectListNode q = p.getNext();p.setNext(q.getNext());if (p.getNext() == null)last = p;return q.getInfo();}// Traverses a list and outputs data from the info fieldspublic void traverse(){ObjectListNode p = list;while (p != null){System.out.println(p.getInfo());p = p.getNext();}}// Inserts an item into its correct location within an ordered listpublic void insert(Object o){ObjectListNode p = list;ObjectListNode q = null;// while (p != null && ((Comparable)o).compareTo(p.getInfo()) > 0){q = p;// p = p.getNext();}if (q == null)addFirst(o);elseinsertAfter(q, o);}// Inserts a node into its correct location within an ordered listpublic void insert(ObjectListNode r){ObjectListNode p = list;ObjectListNode q = null;while (p != null && ((Comparable)r.getInfo()).compareTo(p.getInfo()) > 0){q = p;p = p.getNext();}if (q == null)addFirst(r);elseinsertAfter(q, r);}

// Removes the first occurrence of an item in a listpublic Object remove(Object o){ObjectListNode p = list;ObjectListNode q = null;while (p != null && ((Comparable)o).compareTo(p.getInfo()) != 0){q = p;p = p.getNext();}if (p == null)return null;else return q == null ? removeFirst() : deleteAfter(q);}// Returns true if the item is found in the listpublic boolean contains(Object o){ObjectListNode p = list;while (p != null && ((Comparable)o).compareTo(p.getInfo()) != 0)p = p.getNext();return p != null;}// Determines whether or not a list is emptypublic boolean isEmpty(){return list == null;}// Removes all elements from a listpublic void clear(){list = null;last = null;}// Returns the number of elements in the listpublic int size(){int count = 0;ObjectListNode p = list;while (p != null){++count;p = p.getNext();}return count;}// Returns a reference to the node with the requested value// Returns null otherwisepublic ObjectListNode select(Object o){ObjectListNode p = list;while (p != null)if (((Comparable)o).compareTo(p.getInfo()) == 0)return p;elsep = p.getNext();return null;}

// Makes a copy of a listpublic ObjectList copyList(){ObjectListNode p = null;ObjectListNode q = null; // to satisfy compiler;ObjectListNode r = list;if (isEmpty())return null;ObjectList newList = new ObjectList();while (r != null) {p = new ObjectListNode(r.getInfo());if (newList.isEmpty())newList.addFirst(p);elseq.setNext(p);q = p;r = r.getNext();}newList.last = p;return newList;}// Reverses a listpublic void reverse() {ObjectListNode p = list;ObjectListNode q = null;ObjectListNode r;while (p != null) {r = q;q = p;p = p.getNext();q.setNext(r);}last = list;


// ObjectListInterface

public interface ObjectListInterface {

// Adds an object to the front of a listpublic void addFirst(Object o);

// Adds a node to the front of the listpublic void addFirst(ObjectListNode p);

// Adds an object to the end of the listpublic void addLast(Object o);

// Adds a node to the end of the listpublic void addLast(ObjectListNode p);

// Inserts an object after the node referenced by ppublic void insertAfter(ObjectListNode p, Object o);

// Inserts a node after the node referenced by ppublic void insertAfter(ObjectListNode p, ObjectListNode q);

// Inserts an item into its correct location within an ordered listpublic void insert(Object o);

// Inserts a node into its correct location within an ordered listpublic void insert(ObjectListNode r);

// Removes all elements from a listpublic void clear();

// Reverses a listpublic void reverse();}

// ObjectListNode

public class ObjectListNode {private Object info;private ObjectListNode next;// Default ctorpublic ObjectListNode(){info = null;next = null;}// One-arg ctorpublic ObjectListNode (Object o){info = o;next = null;}// Two-arg ctorpublic ObjectListNode (Object o, ObjectListNode p){info = o;next = p;}// Sets info fieldpublic void setInfo(Object o){info = o;}// Returns item in info fieldpublic Object getInfo(){return info;}// Sets next fieldpublic void setNext(ObjectListNode p){next = p;}// Returns item in info fieldpublic ObjectListNode getNext(){return next;}}

// Comparable Class

public interface Comparable{public int compareTo(Object o);}

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