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Please select one (or more!) of the following schools of thought which pique your interest, and offer your insight into the subject matter for this week's forum. a. Classical b. Biological c. Psycho
Please select one (or more!) of the following schools of thought which pique your interest, and offer your insight into the subject matter for this week's forum.
a. Classical
b. Biological
c. Psychological
d. Sociological
e. Labeling Theory
f. Conflict Theories
g. Feminist Criminology
h. Radical Criminology
Submit your initial discussion post by creating a new thread before 11:59 p.m. on Thursday (9/19), and post your replies to at least two classmates' posts before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday (9/22) the same week. You will not be able to see others' posts until you have posted something of your own. Remember, these forums are individually graded per post (refer to the rubric), and significantly impact your participation grade (refer to the syllabus).
Discussion Board Evaluation Criteria:
The following points are what is looked for in your original postings to the Discussion Board and your replies to others' postings (total of 12 points for each Discussion Board assignment).
Initial Discussion Post
Mentions at least two specific points from the learning material.
Relation of information in article or reading to personal experience.
Discussion at a critical level, not just recitation of facts from the learning material.
Length of posting approximately 150 words, or 9-12 substantive sentences.
Peer Responses
Discuss at least one point you agree/disagree with, and respectfully explain why.
Length should be about 75 words, or 4-7 substantive sentences in length.
Best Practices Using the Discussion Board:
Communicating online is different than communicating in person. For instance, you cannot see the other person’s facial expressions or hear the inflection in their voice. As such, we must rely on the conventions of the written word to relay our message and to understand what other people are saying. Below are some helpful considerations when participating in course discussions online:
-Treat others and their points of view with respect.
-Use proper grammar, spelling, and complete sentences.
-Avoid using ALL CAPITALS. That can signify you are yelling.
-Avoid using shortcuts such as “cu l8tr” for “see you later.”, etc.
-Think before you type, and provide thorough and thoughtful responses.
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